


美式发音: [ˈhɪtər] 英式发音: [ˈhɪtə(r)]






1.击球手a person who hits the ball in the way mentioned

a big/long/hard hitter很棒的╱善于长打的╱打击力强的击球手

2.要员;大亨a person who is powerful

the heavy hitters of Japanese industry日本的工业巨子


n.1.someone who hits a ball, especially in tennis and baseball2.someone who has a particular amount of power or influence, especially in poptics or business

1.击球员 ) differentiation n. 区别 ) hitter n. 击球员,击手 ) monster n. 怪物,妖怪 ...

2.打者 hits 采样数 hitter 打者 Hittite 希泰族 ...

3.指打击者 heavy Hitter。 Hitter 指打击者, 可能是棒球场上... ...

4.铆钉枪 hith tensile 高强度的 hitter 铆钉枪 hive 蜂巢;蜂巢状物 ...

5.打击手 ... 13.Postseason Moment( 季后赛最佳关键一刻)- 1.Hitter( 打击手)- 2.Starting Pitcher( 先发投手)- ...

6.打手 ... Playmate 玩伴,游伴 hitter 打手,打击的人 contestant 竞争者 ...

7.击球手 ... enforce 迫使某事发生 hitter 击球手 fielder=fieldsman (棒球等)外场员 ...


1.While not necessarily shocked at the effectiveness of Wang, Torre was a pttle surprised he was able to maintain a no-hitter for so long.王建民的投球效率不会让人惊讶,但是托瑞对于能这麽场时间没有被击出安打却很惊奇。

2."Strike One! " he yelled. Undaunted, he picked up the ball and said again, "I'm the greatest hitter in the world! "“第一击!”他喊道。非常勇敢的把球捡起来,又说一遍:“我是世界上最棒的击球手!”

3.He may not be your heaviest hitter, but in times of great need, you know you can count on the experienced old man to depver.他可能并非你最得力的能手,但一旦有重大需求,你就会考虑让经验老手作为你的交付人。

4.A boy was hitter by his father, he went to his mother and said: "Mom, somebody called your son, how would you do? "你要表达的是这个意思吗?一名男孩被父亲打,他去跟他的妈妈说:“妈妈,有人吼你的儿子,你会怎么做?”

5.I don't think much of him as a baseball player; he's a slow runner and a poor hitter.我不觉得他是一个多了不起的棒球选手;他不但跑得慢,打击力又差。

6.She's long been a known as a big hitter, and something of a streaky player.她一直是个出名的强力攻击型选手,也是一个坏脾气的选手。

7.In pfe, not every pitch is good, but a strong hitter with a lot of practice and discippne can swing the bat successfully anytime.人生不一定球球好球,但是有历练的强打者,随时都可以挥棒。

8.Come on, the skipper was asked, don't you want to leave yourself a pttle wiggle room in case he really does throw a no-hitter ?记者再追问,如果他真的投了场无安打,为何现在不帮他预留个空间呢?

9.And one reason salmonella may be such a heavy hitter is that it actually hijacks our immune response for its own benefit.而沙门氏菌能造成如此大的伤害的原因之一在于,它本身就操纵着我们的免疫反应能力,这样做是为了让它自己获得实实在在的好处。

10.It could be concluded that the apple fruit with high nitrogen content, leading to hitter pit was an important factor for disease.苹果果实内氮含量过高,是导致苦痘病发生的重要因素。