


美式发音: [ˈɪrˌwæks] 英式发音: [ˈɪə(r)ˌwæks]





1.耵聍;耳垢the yellow substance produced inside the ear to protect it


n.1.a dark yellow substance in your ears

1.耳垢 earmembrane 鼓膜 earwax 耳垢 eastern schistosomiasis 日本血吸虫病 ...

2.耳屎 耳食〖 bepeveallthatonehears〗 耳屎earwax〗 耳饰〖 earring〗 ...

3.耳蜡 earthworm 蚯蚓 earwax 耵聍耳垢 eary maturity 早熟 ...

5.耳垢篇 ... 男女宝宝私密处篇 Sexual Organs 耳垢篇 Earwax 鼻屎篇 Booger ...

6.耳腊 耳感染 Ear infection 耳腊 Earwax 鼻膜炎 Hay fever ...

7.耳屎呢就是 ... 鼻屎就是 booger. 耳屎呢就是 earwax. It's just better this way: 这样就可以了,就这样吧。 ...


1.The gene's role seems to be to export substances out of the cells that secrete earwax.该基因可以控制细胞排出物质以分泌耳垢。

2.Earwax may not play a prominent part in human history but at least a small role for it has now been found by a team of Japanese researchers.人类一直以来认为,耳垢对人类历史没有多大的影响,但是现在日本研究人员发现,耳垢其实对人体也起到了一些微妙的作用。

3.Most East Asians also have a special form of a gene known as ABCC11, which makes the cells of the ear produce dry earwax.而且大多数亚洲人还拥有被人们所熟知的特殊ABCC11组合基因,该基因令耳部细胞产生干耳垢;

4.People can also cause a blockage---when they are trying to clean earwax, but end up pushing it deeper into the ear.人们自己也会造成堵塞--挖耳朵时将耳垢推的更深。

5.The glands in ear canals are producing too much wax in some people. Earwax is usually expelled.有些人耳道中的腺体分泌过多的腊质物体。

6.Experts at the United States National Institutes of Health suggest some ways to treat excessive earwax yourself. The experts at N.美国国家健康研究院的专家们给出了一些让你自己对付多余耳屎的建议性方法。

7.Some people's ears produce wax pke busy pttle bees. This can be a problem, even though earwax appears to serve an important purpose.有些人的耳朵象忙碌的小蜜蜂一样不断产生耳垢,势必存在问题,尽管耳屎看似起着很重要的作用。

8.The single mutation in the earwax gene is one in which a G (for guanine) is replaced with an A (for adenine).耳垢基因的单链变异是因为DNA链上的A(腺嘌呤)取代了G(鸟嘌呤)。

9.This can be a problem even though earwax appears to serve an important purpose. Experts say it protects and cleans the ear.虽然耳垢有一个重要的用途,但是它同样也引起了问题。

10.Earwax is normally expelled; it falls out of the ear or gets washed away.耳垢会正常排出,它可能从耳朵掉落或者被洗干净。