


美式发音: [saɪzd] 英式发音: ['saɪzd]








v.1.The past tense and past participle of size

1.有范围的 (sur+plus 多余;加→多出很多) (super+sized 有范围的) (super+natu…

2.大小的 sizeable 相当大的 sized 大小的 sizer 大小测定器 ...

3.牙缝大小 ... 2.顺序 Ranking 3.牙缝大小 Sized 1.时间 Timing ...

4.尺寸大小的 troopers n. 骑兵, 骑警, 伞兵 sized adj. 有...大小的 sharper n. 磨具, 削具, (赌博中的)骗子 ...

6.不够大的 (trans+action 行动→交换行动→交 (under+sized 大的→不够大的) (under+agent 代理人) ...

7.上浆的 拉毛水泥 stucco 上浆的 sized 包装纸 wrapping papper ...

8.喷水织机专用浆料 six-roller 六分仪 sized 喷水织机专用浆料 skate 滑冰袜 ...


1.A medium-sized company or university might have had one or two computers, while large institutions had at most a few dozen.一个中等规模的公司或大学可能有一两台电脑,而大型机构最多有几十台。

2.Long term protection can only be offered by nanometer sized water repellant which can penetrate up to 5 mm into the surface.要想实现长期的防水保护,只能依靠纳米级防水剂,因为它的最大渗透深度可达5毫米。

3.Had been a Chinese Marketing Manager of Medicine and Food Additives Division of a famous big-sized Japanese company.日本著名大公司药品及食品添加剂部中国市场经理。

4.Box-makers would also benefit from reduced stock-holding, being able to produce custom-sized boxes on a just-in-time basis, he said.箱梁制造商也将受益于减少持股,目前能生产自定义大小的箱子就准时的基础上,他说。

5.She was a strong middle-sized woman with a head of flowing white hair.她是一个个中等强壮的流着一头白发的女子。

6.Tom sized up the situation, and decided to downsize his business, which turned out to be a wise decision.汤姆审时度势,决定缩小企业规模,后来证明这是明智之举。

7.It also presents me with a chance to experience pfe beyond those old famipar streets of my own medium-sized town.它也向我提供了一个在我的那个中型城市熟悉的旧街道之外体验人生的机会。

8.The first relates to the question of large cross-border banks which cannot be easily dismembered into country-sized chunks.第一个与大的跨国银行有关的问题,这些跨国银行不能被分解成国家规模的银行。

9.I was hoping he would move to a bigger club in Portugal or to a medium-sized club in Europe. I didn't expect Manchester United.我本以为他会加盟葡萄牙的大球会,或欧洲一些中等规模的俱乐部,不曾想,他居然转会去了曼联!

10.But competition is tough, with maybe four or five brokerages slugging it out for the big deals and up to a dozen on the mid-sized ones.但这个领域的竞争十分激烈,大约有4到5家的券商在竭力争取大型交易,12家左右的券商则力图争取中等规模的业务。