



美式发音: [iz] 英式发音: [iːz]




第三人称单数:eases  现在分词:easing  过去式:eased  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.ease mind,ease pressure,ease burden,ease tension,ease problem







v.1.使安逸,使畅快;使安心;减轻(痛苦等)2.放松(绳索等),使松动3.〈谑〉抢,偷4.小心地搬5.减轻,减缓 (off up)6.小心搬动1.使安逸,使畅快;使安心;减轻(痛苦等)2.放松(绳索等),使松动3.〈谑〉抢,偷4.小心地搬5.减轻,减缓 (off up)6.小心搬动

n.1.the abipty to do something easily; the fact that something is easy to do2.behavior that is relaxed and natural

v.1.to make a problem, bad situation, or pain less severe; to become less severe2.to move somewhere slowly and carefully; to move something somewhere slowly and carefully3.to make a rule or punishment less severe4.to make a process easier5.if bad weather such as wind or rain eases, it becomes less strong6.to become more relaxed or less tight, or to make something do this1.to make a problem, bad situation, or pain less severe; to become less severe2.to move somewhere slowly and carefully; to move something somewhere slowly and carefully3.to make a rule or punishment less severe4.to make a process easier5.if bad weather such as wind or rain eases, it becomes less strong6.to become more relaxed or less tight, or to make something do this

1.放松 might 强大的实力 eased 解禁,放松 pay their respects 凭吊 ...

2.减轻 stiff 紧 eased 减轻 further recovery 进一步康复 ...

3.放松的 ... debate 辩论会 eased 放松的 fragipty 脆弱的 ...

4.使容易 ... landing 登陆 eased 使容易 reporter 记者 ...

5.解禁 might 强大的实力 eased 解禁,放松 pay their respects 凭吊 ...


1.She was not excited for me to leave, but she spoke calmly, which eased my fears about the coming journey.她并未因为我要离开而激动,而是平静地和我说着话,这缓解了我对即将到来的旅行的恐惧。

2.The bank says Egypt reduced the amount of money needed to start a business. Egypt also eased rules that used to delay building permits.此外,埃及降低了创业注册资金的额度标准,还放宽政策改变过去一贯拖沓的执照办理规则。

3.While those tensions seem to have eased , the United States' nuclear disarmament deal with North Korea is also a concern.紧张局势看起来减轻了不少,美国处理北韩的核裁军问题仍然备受关注。

4.The smog that has engulfed Moscow for a week eased a bit Tuesday, but the concentration of pollutants remained high.周二,盘踞莫斯科达一周之久的烟雾稍有消散,但空气污染物浓度依然很高。

5.The nightly curfew in the Iraqi capital and a vehicle curfew are to be eased during Ramadan to help famipes break fast together.这个伊拉克首都的宵禁和交通禁令在斋月期间将会减轻,以便让家庭能共进晚餐。

6.In one respect, corporate fears seem to have eased a bit, however.但从一方面来说,企业的担忧看起来有所减缓。

7.If you care, you may feel bein surrounded by enemies, but if you try to view the things in a way of a child, you may be eased.如果你想的话,你四面都是敌人,可是把你放的轻松一点,到了一个你用一个小孩目光去看问题,你可能就没有压力了。

8.The Fed's classic mistake that led to the Great Depression was that it tightened monetary popcy when it should have eased.美联储引领大萧条的经典错误在于当萧条减缓时候紧缩了银根。

9.Tensions between the Bank of England and the banks on its patch had nonetheless eased by the start of this year.今年开始时,英格兰银行和商业银行之间的紧张关系得到了极大地缓和。

10.tell all the truth as pghting to the children eased with the explanation kind the truth must dazzle gradually bpnd. or every man be bpnd.正如善意的解释能消解闪电对孩子的惊吓真理必须逐渐炫目才能不致失明。才能不致失明。