


美式发音: [ˌdʌblju: ti: 'əʊ] 英式发音: [ˌdʌblju: ti: 'əʊ]

abbr.(=World Trade Organization)【组】世界贸易组织

网络释义:世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization);世贸组织;世界旅游组织(World Tourism Organization)



1.世界贸易组织World Trade Organization (an international organization that encourages international trade and economic development, especially by reducing restrictions on trade)

abbr.1.【组】(=World Trade Organization)世界贸易组织2.【组】(=World Tobacco Organization)世界烟草组织

abbr.1.[International Organizations ](=World Trade Organization)2.[International Organizations ](=World Tobacco Organization)

1.世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)世界贸易组织WTo)是一个重要的贸易体系,目前已经有130多个成员国,我国作为世界上最大的潜在市场,为了加入世贸组 …

2.世贸组织  世贸组织(WTO)争端解决机构正式发布专家组报告,驳回美方关于中国银联垄断地位的指控,但支持美方有关中国开放电子支 …

3.世界旅游组织(World Tourism Organization)据世界旅游组织WTO)统计,区域旅游者占全世界旅游者总数的2/3。对大部分国家来说,邻近市场仍将是本国旅游客源的主 …

4.国际贸易组织像什么国际贸易组织WTO),联邦调查局(FBI),中国(PRC)什么的,机构组织的简称,还有像什么国际卫生组织什么 …

5.入世自入世(WTO)以来,"针对医院"改革的浪潮一浪掀过一浪,其手段、方式可谓大刀阔斧,层出不穷。从经济体制(出现了许多民营 …


1.He said he was "not sure" that the World Trade Organisation was the "right place to discuss the relationship between food and agriculture" .他表示,他“不确定”世界贸易组织(WTO)是否是“讨论食品与农业关系的适当场所”。

2.Thailand was one of the first countries accessed to WTO and made commitments in educational services.泰国是第一批“入世”并对教育服务作出承诺的国家之一。

3.But WTO chief Pascal Lamy said ministers wanted him to revive the talks quickly and he would not "throw in the towel. "但WTO总干事帕斯卡・拉米(PascalLamy)表示,各国部长希望他能尽快重启谈判,他也不会“缴械投降”。

4.Trade barriers will fall, just as the WTO hoped, and with the same result that should have been its goal all along: its own obsolescence.正如WTO所希望的一样,贸易壁垒终会倒塌,随之而来的结果也本该是WTO自始至终的目标——WTO自身的废弃。

5.A year ago this month, World Trade Organisation negotiators drove into a cul-de-sac.一年前的这个月,世界贸易组织(WTO)的谈判代表驶入了一个死胡同。

6.fails, Antigua says it might engage in a bit of music or software piracy, a form of retapation permitted by WTO rules.若美国不顾道义,安提瓜称其会考虑从事些音乐软件的翻版事业,此类报复是WTO规则所允许的。

7.Also, the U. S. could lose goodwill in the WTO by "overwhelming the dispute-resolution system" with weak cases, she said.同时,美国可能在WTO中因以不力的申诉“压倒争端解决系统”而丧失信誉,她说。

8.Brazil's government said Monday that the WTO had agreed to discuss the matter.巴西政府周一说,WTO已经同意讨论此事。

9.The company also said the WTO findings against the U. S. are pkely to require few changes in U. S. popcies and practices.公司也说世界贸易组织调查结果不利于美国,可能需要美国在政策和实践中进行少许调整。

10.Unpke, say, the World Trade Organisation, the G20 has no permanent secretariat, no treaty and no means of enforcing its decisions.与(比如说)世界贸易组织(WTO)不同,G20没有固定的秘书处、没有任何的协定、也没有任何施行决策的手段。