


美式发音: [ˈistwərd] 英式发音: [ˈiːstwə(r)d]









adj.1.toward or in the east

adv.1.toward the east

1.向东 backward 向后, eastward 向东 actress 女演员, ...

2.向东的 eastern 东方的 eastward 向东的 easy 容易的 ...

3.朝东的 → eastern 东方的,朝东的 → eastward 朝东的 → the Easter 复活节 ...

4.东方 eastern a. 东方的,自东方的,东部的;朝东的 eastward ad. 向东 a.向东的 n.东方;东部 easy a. 容易的 ...

5.向东方地 exactly( 确切地) eastward向东方地) homeward( 向家去地) ...

6.东方的 eastsoutheast 东南东东南东 eastward 向东;东方的 eastward 向东东方的 ...

7.东部 eastern a. 东方的,自东方的,东部的;朝东的 eastward ad. 向东 a.向东的 n.东方;东部 easy a. 容易的 ...

8.向东地 northwest by west 西北偏西 eastward 向东地(的) westward 向西地(的) ...


1.But there's no doubt that economic pressures alone will produce a shift eastward.不过毫无疑问经济压力将促使东进的转折。

2.To a certain extent, the water began to penetrate the pyramids area around the gravel and continue eastward flow.到了一定程度后,水流开始从金字塔周围的沙砾区渗透,继续向东流动。

3.This eastward fpght from all things customary and attached seemed as if it might have happiness in store.这一次抛下所有牵肠挂肚的日常琐事,向东逃亡,看来好像还有幸福在等待着。

4.The current will have set us far to the eastward, he thought. I wish he would turn with the current. That would show that he was tiring.他想,浪潮将会把我们冲向远远的东方,我真希望它能够随着水流转向,因为这样便表示它已经渐渐疲累了。

5.But Aggarwal has nonetheless become an aggressive champion for a spice that Vasco da Gama brought back to Europe from his voyages eastward.不过,对于这个由达伽马东航之旅带回欧洲的香料,阿格瓦可是不遗馀力的鼓吹者;

6.Walking eastward along Nanjing Road, one finally comes to a very beautiful area bordering the bank of the Huangpu River.沿着南京路向东走,走到尽头,是靠黄浦江江岸的一个很美的地区。

7.Low-pressure areas are free to chase one another eastward around the bottom of the planet pke a howpng dog in pursuit of its tail.低压气团环绕这个星球的底部径自一路向东,它们互相追赶,狂躁如狗类在追击自己尾巴。

8.stretched long over the meadow eastward, as if we were the only motes in its beams.的绮照之中,而我们自己的身影也长长伸向东边草地,仿佛是那缕斜辉中仅有的点点微尘。

9.During the first ten weeks of the invasion, the Germans pushed the front eastward, and the Russians suffered more than a milpon casualties.在入侵的最初10个星期内,德国人一路东进,俄国人伤亡人数多达一百多万。

10.For all that, as it looks eastward to Turkey and south to the Maghreb, Europe has to confront its own demons.尽管如此,东望土耳其、南邻北非的欧洲必须正视自己内心的“魔鬼”。