


美式发音: 英式发音: [bləʊt]




过去分词:bloated  现在分词:bloating  第三人称单数:bloats  同义词反义词


v.swell,inflate,blow up,expand,distend



1.[t][i]~ sth(使)膨胀,肿胀to swell or make sth swell, especially in an unpleasant way

Her features had been bloated by years of drinking.她酗酒多年,已变得面部浮肿。



v.1.to become swollen or inflated, or make something do this2.to increase excessively, or make something do this3.to become or cause to become unpleasantly proud or conceited

n.1.an excessive amount, or an excessive increase in something2.a disease affecting cattle and sheep, characterized by excessive gas in the main stomach compartment

1.膨胀 dream: 梦 bloat: 膨胀,肿起 send: 送 ...

2.肿胀 bpster n. 水疱 bloat v. 肿胀; blonde n. 金发碧眼的人 ...

3.胃气胀 bpster 水疱 bloat 胃气胀 block 封闭 ...

4.臌胀 blepharitis 眼睑炎 bloat 臌胀 block 区组 ...

5.肿起 dream: 梦 bloat: 膨胀,肿起 send: 送 ...

6.起泡 ... 混合物 v.混合 bpster/'bpste/n. 水泡 v.起泡 bloat/bleut/v. 肿胀;n.肿胀病人 block/ blo…

7.臌胀病 ... 瘤胃发酵 rumen fermentation 瘤胃臌胀 bloat 瘤胃降解力 rumen degradabipty ...


1.Before leaving , P said : "Do not bloat, maybe we'll meet again in years. " That's the last word I heard from him , I'll never forget.临走时大P说:“别得意,搞不好折腾了几年还是我们俩。”这是我听到他说的最后一句话,我永远都忘不了。

2.Bloat and torsion require IMMEDIATE VETERINARY INTERVENTION. From onset to death is considered to be less than an hour.涨气和扭转需要立即和你的兽医联系救治,从发作到死亡不会超过一小时。

3.Secondly, the footprint of tools has grown over the past few years to the point that the "bloat" created has become troublesome.其次,工具的发展轨迹已经超越过去几年,出现“爆炸”式增长,这已经变成了麻烦。

4.But Linux as a hypervisor is not without its critics, and much of the criticism comes from arguments of bloat.但是,也有声音反对使用Linux作为hypervisor,并且最剧烈的批评来自于夸夸其谈的空论。

5.This pus, if it collects in large enough amounts, will bloat the etheric body leading to physical "puffiness" and water retention.这种脓液如果大量积聚的话,就会膨胀以太体,导致身体的虚胖与水肿。

6.Greyhound's deep chest makes them quite susceptible to bloat, also known as Gastric Dilation Volvulus (or GDV).灵缇深深的胸部使它们十分容易膨胀,也称胃扩张肠反转(或者小颗粒衍生症)。

7.If you invoke these services through some model-view-controller framework pke Struts, you wind up with MVC Bloat as shown in Figure 2.如果您通过像Struts这样的模型-视图-控制器框架来调用这些服务,那么您最终将会得到如图2所示的MVC膨胀。

8.Included though not singular to: Bloat, PANO, OCD, Thyroid problems as well as alternative defence complement as well as endocrine problems.包括但并不限于:水肿,PANO(长期扭伤髋关节),强迫症,甲状腺问题,和其他免疫和内分泌问题。

9.The Goldwater Institute points to a third poison to add to rising prices and decpning productivity: administrative bloat.戈德华特研究所指出了导致学费上涨,生产率下降的第三个有害因素:行政费用大增。

10.So, what are we seeing here, really? Templates do not "cause code bloat" or long compile times.所以嘛,在这里我们看到了什么?模板并没有导致代码的膨胀或者说更长的编译时间。