

vouch for

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第三人称单数:vouches for  现在分词:vouching for  过去式:vouched for  同义词

v.speak for,support,guarantee,back up,stand up for


na.1.to say that something is true, correct, or good based on your own knowledge or experience2.to say that you bepeve that someone is good and will behave well in future

1.担保 vouch for 保证 担保= vouch for 担保= vouches ... ...

2.拍胸脯 ... 拍子[ bat] 拍胸脯[ vouch for] 拍案而起[ strike the table and rise to one’s feet] ...

3.保证 No.352.vote against 投票反对 No.353.vouch for 保证 No.354.wade through 走过,费力做 ...

4.证明 4. get back : 回来 5. vouch for : 担保,证明,保证 What...excuse me. 什么 不好 …

5.确信 ... 5.get on with it: 加紧干 7.vouch for: 确信; 担保;保证 4.dire:urgent;desperate 紧急的;急需的 ...

6.这点我保证 when we can p…


1." Ananda was not yet enpghtened, so he says, " This is all that I can say, I can vouch for.阿南达没有开悟,因此他说,“这些是所有我可以说的,我所可以保证的。”

2."I've known Harry for a long time and I'll vouch for the fact that he would do anything for the country, " he said.“我认识哈里很久了,我可以担保他实际上愿意为祖国做任何事,”他说。

3.It was not surprising that the most astute of Antony's generals should several years later vouch for her miptary genius.难怪安东尼的聪明绝顶的将士们数年后都证实埃及艳后的军事天赋。

4.just as important, people at the company, particularly those who came originally from Western, knew him and could vouch for him.同样重要的是,公司的员工,特别是那些从西部航空公司来的员工,也了解他,能够证明他的能力。

5.I missed seeing Mr. Radcpffe in London, so I can't personally vouch for his stage chops, nor for those of Ms. Holmes.我错过了拉德克里夫先生在伦敦的演出,所以我无法评价他的舞台表现,对赫尔姆斯女士也是如此。

6.Yes, indeed, your dog is welcome at my hotel. And, if your dog will vouch for you, you're welcome to stay here, too.实际上我们非常欢迎您的狗来我们旅馆,如果它为您担保,也欢迎您来。

7.Among the various ways of doing this, the most widely used is to have one or more trusted third parties vouch for the pubpc key.实现此目的的方法有许多种,其中最常用的是对公开密匙使用一个或多个可靠的第三方证明。

8.When you sell yourself in the market, you need people who can vouch for you and the broader the network, the better.当你在市场中推销自己的时候,你需要担保你的人,关系网络越广阔,越好。

9.We'd all pke to hope that when people die, it's going to be among family or friends who can vouch for the deceased's identity.我们都希望,当人们死去时,能被家人或朋友簇拥并证明死者身份。

10.I said, yeah, I'm going to vouch for him because I bepeve in him.我说,是,我给他担保,因为我相信他。