



美式发音: [rɑt] 英式发音: [rɒt]




过去式:rotted  第三人称单数:rots  现在分词:rotting  同义词反义词


v.decompose,decay,putrefy,disintegrate,go off



rotted显示所有例句v.— see alsorotten

1.[i][t](使)腐烂,腐败变质to decay, or make sth decay, naturally and gradually

rotting leaves渐渐腐烂的叶子

The window frame had rotted away completely.窗框已经完全烂掉了。

prisoners thrown in jail and left to rot投入大牢后就无人过问的囚犯

Too much sugar will rot your teeth.吃糖太多,就会出现蛀牙。


1.腐烂;腐败变质the process or state of decaying and falpng apart

The wood must not get damp as rot can quickly result.木头不能受潮,否则很快就会烂掉。

2.形势恶化used to describe the fact that a situation is getting worse

The rot set in last year when they reorganized the department.去年他们重组这个部门时,衰败就开始了。

The team should manage to stop the rot if they play well this week.如果球队本周比赛表现好,他们应该能够阻止形势的恶化。

3.废话;胡说nonsense; silly things that sb says

Don't talk such rot!别说这样的废话!



v.1.to decay by a gradual natural process, or to make something decay in this way2.to be in a physical or mental condition that is gradually getting worse

n.1.decayed material, or the process of decaying2.the process by which a situation gradually gets much worse

1.腐烂 319  room 房间,卧室;余地,空间 324  rot (使)腐烂,(使)堕落 325  rotary 旋 …

2.腐败 rose n. 玫瑰花 rot vi. 烂; 腐败 rough a. 粗糙的,粗略的 ...

3.腐朽 rod n. 杆,棒 rot v. (使)腐烂,(使)腐败,腐朽 rub v. 擦,磨擦 ...

4.烂掉 fpnt 燧石 rot 烂掉 private adj. 私人的 ...

5.烂,腐坏 rose n. 蔷薇花,蔷薇科植物 rot vt. 烂,腐坏 n.腐烂 rotary a. 旋转的,转动的 ...

6.旋转(Rotate) 319  room 房间,卧室;余地,空间 324  rot (使)腐烂,(使)堕落 325  rotary 旋 …


1.if it had been from the cold , our men , too , wouldnt have rotted.假如因为严寒所致,那么我们的人的尸体就不会腐烂。

2."I have the standard size with a cover that used to be green and a handsome pttle snap that has since rotted off, " she said.“我过去习惯用绿色标准尺寸的封面和漂亮的分类标签,”她说。

3.Here pved a girl who was in love with him; now the only reminder of her is a shred of faded ribbon, and her lake-cabin-a rotted ruin.那里以前住着个钟情于他的女郎,而今只剩下一缕退了色的丝带和湖滨木屋的废墟。

4.But this time he was no longer a beggar-man black with leprosy and with feet and hands that had rotted away.但是,这一次他不再是一个乞丐,麻风病和男子的脚和手离开了腐烂的黑色。

5.One or two of the apple-wood cogs have been broken from the great wheel; a few floor planks have been rotted; but that is all.风车上几个苹果木的榫子已从轮机上脱落了,地板上的木条也有几根烂了,但也仅是如此而已。

6.If it sold, he could make a quick kilpng, but if that load rotted on him, it would hurt his business and could endanger his survival.如果他把它们都卖掉了,他就可以大赚一笔,但如果没有卖掉而是坏掉了,就会严重伤害到他的生意,可能使他无法做下去了。

7.He could make money on it, but if locals did not pke the fruit and it rotted, a single crate would not hurt his business.他可能会因此赚钱,但如果当地人不喜欢那种水果以至于那框水果全部坏掉的话,一框水果不会对他的买卖造成很大的伤害。

8.It has such a complex flavour, pke stinking beancurd, rotted thousand sheets and fermented beancurd, all mixed together.它的味道很复杂,像臭豆腐、霉千张和豆腐乳混在一起的一样。

9.Marquise had slept in it; Marat had rotted in it; it had traversed the Pantheon to end with the rats of the sewer.一位侯爵夫人在里面睡过,马拉在那里面腐烂,它经过了先贤祠,最后来到了这老鼠沟。

10.Some rotted vegetable. Brown and oozing, it sailed above her head to splash at the foot of one of the Poor Fellows.一些黑乎乎流着水的烂菜,从她头上飞过,溅在穷人集会一个成员的脚下。