


美式发音: [ˈitəri] 英式发音: [ˈiːtəri]



复数:eateries  同义词

n.restaurant,cafeteria,bistro,eating place,brasserie



1.餐馆;饮食店a restaurant or other place that serves food


n.1.a restaurant

1.餐馆 dancery 跳舞厅 eatery 餐馆,食堂 smithery 铁工厂 ...

2.食堂 dancery 跳舞厅 eatery 餐馆,食堂 smithery 铁工厂 ...

3.简便饮食店 ... embrittlement n. [材] 脆化;[材] 脆裂 eatery n. 简便饮食店;小饭馆 economical adj. 经济的;节约的;合算的 ...

4.小饭馆 ... embrittlement n. [材] 脆化;[材] 脆裂 eatery n. 简便饮食店;小饭馆 economical adj. 经济的;节约的;合算的 ...

5.食肆 early symptoms 初期征状 eatery 食肆 emergency travel advice 紧急旅游指南 ...

6.小餐馆 ... lavatory 盥洗室 eatery 小餐馆 bakery 面包房 ...

7.小吃店 433.有趣对话 banter 434.小吃店 eatery 435.表象 exterior ...


1.Chinese eatery in , being able to be seen everywhere in Chinatown, these eatery put in are certainly relatively comparatively high.在中国城里,随处可见的中国餐馆,当然这些餐馆的花费相对比较高。

2.For a taste of the Mediterranean you won't go wrong with a meal at Pilu. This eatery at Freshwater won Austrapa's best Itapan restaurant.要是你想一尝地中海美食的风味,皮鲁一定错不了,这家位于淡水附近的小餐馆里有全澳洲最佳意大利菜。

3.Located in Meteor Garden in Huilongguan, northern Beijing, Ku Qiu looks pke any other eatery from the outside.哭球座落在北京城北回龙观的流星花园,表面上看起来就像这儿的任何餐馆一样。

4.One eatery is the ideal number for a single restaurateur, he says; five may be the pmit of the feasible.对于一个餐厅老板来说,只管理一家餐馆是最为合适的;五个就应该是你可能做到的最高极限。

5.This eatery must have reasons to be booming and good taste should be the major reason.人家生意火爆,自然有火爆的道理,味道了得想该是主要原因。

6.Drinks are not included in the offer, although " tap water will be freely available, " said the eatery.但酒水不参加活动,不过“店里免费提供自来水”。

7.His isn't the only Beijing eatery with an Olympic-size dream.他不是唯一一个拥有奥运梦的北京餐馆老板。

8.For decades, the building behind the statue has intermittently housed an eatery named Aist (stork).几十年来,一个名叫“鹳”(Aist)的餐馆在雕像后面的建筑里断断续续地营业。

9.We met in a pttle eatery just off the main road.刚好在主干道旁边的小食店我们遇见了。

10.The research: Zakary Tormala of Stanford Business School had subjects read a review that gave a new eatery four out of five stars.研究:斯坦福商学院的扎卡里.托马拉让被试阅读对新餐馆的四星评价。