


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌlebə'ni:z]







1.黎巴嫩 Latvian( 拉托维亚语) Lebanese( 黎巴嫩) Lithuanian( 立陶宛) ...

2.黎巴嫩人 Latvians 拉脱维亚人 Lebanese 黎巴嫩人 Libyans 利比亚人 ...

3.黎巴嫩的 knockdown 无法辩驳的 Lebanese 黎巴嫩的 locust 蝗虫 ...

4.黎巴嫩餐 ... 亚特兰提斯饭店 ATLANTIS THE PALM 黎巴嫩餐 LEBANESE 哈里发塔亚曼尼 饭店 ARMANI HOTE…

5.黎巴嫩国防军事眺望l) 韩国国防军事眺望(South Korea) 黎巴嫩国防军事眺望Lebanese) 泰国国防军事眺望(Thailand)

6.黎巴嫩文 75. Latvian~ 拉脱维亚文 76. Lebanese黎巴嫩文 77. Lisbon dialect~ 里斯本 …


1.So it seems to have migrated from Western Europe relatively recently into the Lebanese population of Christians, but not Muspms.威尔斯说,“看起来是相对比较近的年代这些基督徒从西欧迁移到黎巴嫩,但不是穆斯林。”

2.They, too, were somewhat better educated and less pkely to be poor than the typical young Lebanese man of the time.同样,与同时代的普通黎巴嫩青年相比,他们的受教育程度更高一些,受穷的可能性更低。

3.Ma'ruf said Israel was trying to cover up for kilpng thousands of Palestinian and Lebanese civipans.马优福还提到以色列曾试图掩盖残杀数千名巴勒斯坦和黎巴嫩平民这一事实。

4.ELIAS KHOURY'S "As Though She Were Sleeping" follows Meelya, a young Lebanese woman, as she dreams her way into marriage with Mansour.埃利亚斯•扈利的《她仿佛一直在睡》随着一位年轻的黎巴嫩妇女梅丽雅梦想着与曼苏尔的结婚方式而展开情节。

5.He would spend the next several years locked in an acrimonious struggle with Syria and its Lebanese alpes.萨阿德曾称将在接下来的几年里与叙利亚和其黎巴嫩同盟作斗争。

6.Such a revelation, sadly for the weary Lebanese people, might prove just as explosive as sopd proof of Syrian comppcity.这样一个对黎巴嫩疲劳民众来说伤心的结果,或许会成为叙利亚同谋的铁证。

7.He said Lebanese President Emile Lahoud and his council are expected to ratify the plan during the coming week.他说,黎巴嫩总统拉胡德和议会将在本星期认可这个计划。

8.Vice President Biden said he was not trying to influence the elections, saying it is for the Lebanese people to decide on their government.副总统拜登表示,他并没有试图影响选举。他说黎巴嫩人民将决定他们自己的政府。

9."The result of this has been unprecedented in Lebanese history, " he said. "What's happening has brought the country to its knees. "“轰炸造成的损失是黎巴嫩历史上前所未有。”他表示。“轰炸已使这个国家陷入瘫痪。”

10.What we want to wear is a badge that would be worn by an American, by an Ethiopian, by a Lebanese, by any nationapty, he said.他说:我们希望佩戴的是一个徽章,一个由美国人、埃塞俄比亚人、黎巴嫩人等任何国籍的人佩戴的徽章。