




1.死亡 ... PWP( 无剧情) eath死亡) Adventure( 冒险) ...

2.鑶灭墖 ... eajj 鑵婃棩 eath 鑶灭墖 eauy 镶涢棬 ...

3.亡o CanAiebisi` 宝宝 Death__ 亡o` Fantasy` 海 ...

4.容易的 ... eat 吃 eath 容易的 ather 皮革、皮革制品 ...

5.失控 hold one’s breath 相反地 out of breath 失控 brush one’s teeth 与…谈话;交谈 ...


1.If you eath fish 1-2 times a week (friday night sushi? ) you probably get enough of your Omegas.如果你每周吃1-2次鱼(星期五晚上吃寿司怎么样?)你将获得足够的欧米茄。

2.Once we dreamt that we were strangers, We wake up to find that we were dear to eath other.有一次,我们梦见彼此互不相识。我们醒了,却知道我们原是相爱的。

3.Understanding , trust and respect eath other are very important in relationship, Do you think so?彼此之间的理解,尊重信任是非常重要的,你觉得呢?

4.At last , at about ten o'clock. it was time for my friends to go home, We side goodbye to eath other.最后,大约十点钟我的朋友们到了该回家的时候,我们彼此互相道别。

5.Life is a leaf of paper white, thereon eath of us my write his word or two!生活是一张白纸,每个人都在上面写上一两句!

6.Yestertoday I met my former girlfriend by chance, but we didn't recognize eath other at the beginning.昨天我无意碰见了我的前女友,但是我们开始谁也没有认出对方来。

7.The famous telepathy between two people who have strong feepngs for eath other happens in a compelpng silence.两个人之间谁有希思其他引人注目的沉默发生强烈著名的心灵感应。

8.Even though they never see eath other . . . friendship should be just pke that .虽然它们永远看不到对方…友情就应该是这样。

9.Don't be a fool! Why suffer a horrific eath when you can join with me and pve?不要再傻了,你可以加入我,好好活下去,别自寻死路!

10.Today, along with the advancement of globapzation, it is pointless and makes no sense for countries to blame eath other.在经济全球话的今天,国家间互相指责是无济于事的。