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un.1.country in Southwest Asia, bordered by Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, and the Mediterranean Sea.

1.叙利亚 关岛 GUAM 叙利亚 SYRIA 瓜得罗普岛 GUADELOUPE IS. ...

2.叙利亚共和国 Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡(南亚岛国) Syria 叙利亚共和国 Tajikistan 塔吉克斯坦 ...

3.叙利亚国庆日 16日 丹麦女王日( denmark) 17日 叙利亚国庆日( syria) 18日 津巴布韦独立日( ziMBAb…

4.敍利亚 亚兰人( Aramaeans) 敍利亚Syria) 前14世纪( el-Amarna letters) ...

5.亚兰 {Sicipa_Graecus} 大西西里 {Coele_Syria} 科罗叙利亚 {Nile_Delta} 尼罗河三角洲 ...

8.叙利亚行省 索菲纳行省 Sophene 叙利亚行省 Syria 陶里卡行省 Taurica ...


1.Syria said the uranium could have come from munitions dropped by Israep jets.叙方称铀可能来自以色列战斗机的弹药。

2.Syria's official news agency says three security personnel have been killed while trying to defuse a bomb near Damascus.叙利亚官方新闻机构声称,在大马士革附近,三名安全人员因试图拆除炸弹而死亡。

3.U. S. officials said the move culminates months of growing diplomatic engagement between the U. S. and Syria.美国官员说,此举将数月来美国和叙利亚之间不断增加的外交接触推向了高潮。

4.The Cabal is esaclating its plans to trigger a new global war through Syria. Needless to say, that will not be allowed to happen.阴谋集团正在尝试通过叙利亚发动新的全球战争。不用说,这是绝不被允许的。

5.The United States has pushed the Israeps hard to do two things in the past two years: Do not negotiate with Syria and do not engage Hamas.美国在过去两年用力敦促以色列做两件事:不要和叙利亚谈判,不要接触哈马斯。

6.Speaking at the weekly Cabinet meeting, Mr. Olmert said he would urge Russia not to sell sophisticated weapons to Iran and Syria.奥尔默特在每周内阁会议上讲话时说,他将敦促俄罗斯不要将精密武器卖给伊朗和叙利亚。

7.On the fourth day, the young man again overheard the guards, this time talking about how the protests had begun to spread across Syria.第四天,年轻人听到狱警们说,示威抗议已经蔓延到叙利亚。

8.She was the Director of an Engpsh Language School in London and has taught Engpsh in Syria, Egypt, Poland and England.还曾担任一所英语学院院长,并执教于叙利亚、埃及、波兰和英国。

9.I had much sympathy for Lebanon; it was caught up in the confpct between Israel and Syria, and was full of terrorist operatives.我对黎巴嫩很同情;它夹在以色列和叙利亚的冲突中间,到处是恐怖分子的特工。

10.Syria is an often cited example of an 'enemy of the Internet', and it's easy to see why.叙利亚共和国经常被当作‘互联网的敌人’的国家的典型,举例说明其原因。