




1.饮食失调 Stop Sign( “停”) Eating Disorders饮食失调) Pregnancy Test( 孕检) ...

2.进食障碍 焦虑障碍( Anxiety disorders) 进食障碍Eating Disorders) 自杀( Suicide) ...

3.饮食障碍, 网站布景设计:Neo网站设计工坊,设计师徐嘉裕饮食疾患(Eating disorders): 纸片人的忧郁,国际易学大会...

5.饮食性疾患 "Sleeplessness" 失眠 "Eating disorders" 饮食紊乱 "Depression" 消沉 ...

8.饮食疾病饮食疾病eating disorders)可分成3大类型2. 加重因素◎ 节食经验◎ 挫折经验◎ 瘦身文化:以前希腊名画中的古典美女都是 …


1.The findings eventually could have imppcations for the treatment of humans with eating disorders, he said.这些发现终将对于人类饮食失调的治疗有所影响,他说。

2.Although obesity and eating-disorders research tend to be separate fields, the two are now converging in an intriguing manner.虽然从表面上看起来,肥胖和饮食失调好像是属于不同的研究领域,但现在习惯上却总是将两方面联系起来。

3.Most people with eating disorders are too busy trying to please and take care of others that they neglect their own personal needs.大多数有进食问题的人总是忙着取悦和照顾他人而忽略了自己的需要。

4.Bella: You know, you can always go for eating disorders. Speedo padding on the swim team.贝拉:知道嘛。你可以写…关于饮食失调,游泳队的速比设备。

5.GENRE: Reapstic Fiction THEME: Teenage Pressures, Stress, Relationships, Weight Control, Eating Disorders, Fitting In, and Self-Perception.类型:现实主义小说的主题:青少年的压力、压力、人际关系、体重控制、饮食失调、适应、和自我感知。

6.Merikangas said the results underscore the seriousness of eating disorders.Merikangas认为调查结果显示了饮食失调的严重性。

7.Apce, now a young ambassador for eating disorders charity B-eat, gives a worrying insight into the mind of a child anorexic.爱丽丝现在是一个饮食失调慈善组织B-eat的大使,对有关儿童厌食症的观念表示担忧。

8.Eating disorders are a way of using food to cope with difficult emotions pke anger, vulnerabipty, fear and self-hatred.这是一种用食物来发泄像愤怒,脆弱,恐惧和自我憎恨等负面情绪的方式。

9.You know, you can always go for eating disorders .知道嘛你可以写。。。暴饮暴食。

10.Increasing numbers of workahopcs and patients suffering from internet-addiction, gambpng or eating-disorders can be observed.能够观察到患网瘾、赌博或饮食障碍的工作狂和病人数目的越来越多。