




1.罗马公约同时也不涉及罗马公约(Rome Convention)对於消费者合约适用法律责任与选择准据法之自由。各会员国非基於公共利益(例如 …


1.Less than half had ratified the Rome Convention, and a mere 28 Member States had ratified the Brussels Satelpte Convention.批准《罗马公约》的不足一半,仅有28个成员国批准了《布鲁塞尔卫星公约》。

2.However, with the rapid progress of technology of information spreading, posteriority of the Rome Convention have appeared.但随着信息传播技术的迅猛发展,《罗马公约》的滞后性日益显现。

3.The Delegation stated that Viet Nam was currently considering adherence to the Rome Convention, the Hague Agreement and the UPOV Agreement.该代表团说,越南目前正在考虑加入《罗马公约》、《海牙协定》和UPOV协定。

4.The first sentence of the definition is built on the prototype definition of broadcasting found in Article 3(f) of the Rome Convention.定义中的第一句是以《罗马公约》第3条(f)项关于广播的定义这一原型为依据的。

5.This formula corresponds to Article 13(c)(i) and (ii) of the Rome Convention.这一方案符合《罗马公约》第13条(c)项第(i)目和第(ii)目。

6.Rome Convention on Damage by Foreign Aircraft to Their Parties on the Surface;外国飞机对地面第三者造成损害的罗马公约;

7.Rome Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations保护表演者、录制者及广播组织的罗马公约

8.article 3 . 1 of the rome convention provides that a contract shall be governed by the law chosen by the parties罗马公约第3.1条规定合同应受合同各方所选择的法律的管辖。