




1.吃冰激凌 ... 12.亲热 / Making out 13.吃冰激凌 / Eating ice-cream 14.性别转换 / Genderswapped ...

2.吃冰淇淋 ... 吃苹果 Eating Apples 吃冰淇淋 Eating Ice-cream 弹钢琴 Playing the Piano ...

3.吃冰淇凌. ... - Making out『 亲热』 - Eating ice-cream吃冰淇凌』 - In a different clothing style『 不同的著装风格』 ...

4.树下站着一个男孩屏幕,看看发生了什么事情:一个火红的太阳、一棵树,树下站着一个男孩eating ice-cream),一个happy表情和一只吐着 …


1.It's easy to make eating ice cream a regular habit in the summer, but try to pmit frozen treats pke ice cream to no more than once a week.在夏天,吃冰淇淋很容易成为一种习惯,但是要努力限制冰的宴飨比如冰淇淋一周不能超过1次。

2.At the age of twenty, I felt so contented sandwiched in a jammed bus, eating ice cream.二十岁的时候,挤在人头攒动的公共大巴上,吃着甜筒,挺开心。

3.While some may say vegetables don't need any help looking bad, I ascribe it to years of eating ice cream.尽管也许有人会说,蔬菜本身并不需要给它抹黑,我把这一情况归之于多年来吃冰淇淋的缘故。

4.I know . Three months of nothing but fishing and swimming and eating ice cream .对呀,三个月什么都不用做,就是钓鱼、游泳和吃冰淇淋。

5.The children feel pke eating ice cream.孩子们想吃冰淇淋。

6.It touched me deeply, as we sat in air-conditioned room, eating ice cream these children will never experience a real hard not farmers.这让我感触很深,像我们这些坐在空调屋里吃冰激凌的孩子,是永远体会不到农民真正的辛苦的。

7.Many people regard summer as a time for relaxing, eating ice cream, and. . . ouch!许多人把夏季视为是悠闲放松、吃冰淇淋的好时光,还有……噢!

8.Summer breeze blow gently, side ride bicycle, eating ice cream, enjoy by sea wind caresses comfortable.清风习习的夏日,一边骑着单车,吃着冰激凌,享受被海风轻拂舒适。

9.The brain, they found, is left wanting more while eating ice cream in the same way as person who regularly uses cocaine.他们发现当吃冰激凌时人脑就有想要更多,就像经常吸食卡洛因的人一样。

10.Jack: Thank you, but I don't really feel pke eating ice cream.杰克:谢谢你,但我不觉得自己真的喜欢吃冰淇淋。