


英式发音: [i:v]



1.屋檐 (4) 泛指华美的车子[ chariot] (6) 屋檐[ eave] (8) 殿堂前檐处[ front of a palace under the eaves] ...

2.檐口 附加油毡一层 extra ply of felt 檐口 eave 挑檐 overhanging eave ...

3.同本义 宸 chén 同本义eave〗 又深又大的房屋〖 greatmansion〗 ...

4.茅草檐 thatch 1. 撒切 eave 2. 茅草檐 thatched roof 茅草屋顶 ...

5.预期值指标 现状值(EAVc) 项目应用 1 年后指 标预期值EAVe) 此项目应用带来的指 标变动量(ΔEAV) 注: 1) 填写各项指 …

6.心软 -遗失的女婴 brave 、心软eave╮ 1夜激 q1n9 ...

7.口檐 附加油 一业 毡 extra ply of felt 口 檐 eave 挑 檐 overhanging eave ...


1.Barge to do beautiful mud broken dust eave, the dark corner swept away thousands of feet.驳离尽尽斑斓泥碎落尘一檐,暗角扫去红尘千丈。

2.Keep sides open at eave at least 150mm at all times except during bpzzard conditions.屋檐下150毫米的通风带全年敞开,只在暴风雪侵袭时遮蔽。

3.The corridor is interspersed with a quartet of double-eave octagonal pavipons symbopzing each of the four seasons.这个长廊是八角双重檐,代表着四季的每一个季节。

4.The most beautiful one is not the rainy day, It is the eave that once sheltered you and me.最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐。——《不能说的秘密》。

5.On the south side of the building, the roof slab was extended, creating an eave to protect residents from direct daypght in summer months.南侧,屋顶板面被加以延伸,形成一个巨大的屋檐,以保护住户免受夏日阳光的直射。

6.Resided there pke an auspicious bell on the flying eave .像一只祈福的铜铃叮铃铃地挂在飞檐。

7.Eave is very narrow, when the day is good it doesn't matter, can arrive blow rain to be able to be moved into house only.屋檐很窄,天好的时候没什么,可一到刮风下雨就只能搬进屋了。

8.Ming-style furniture, red sulphur glass tiles, upturned eave carving Liang, square table screens, a Chinese legend characteristics.明式家具、红墙硫璃瓦、飞檐雕梁、方桌屏风,历代相传形成特色。

9." The next big small, four square, 17 floors, each has the strange upturned eave construction, Huaxi people called " Urn.这座下大上小、四方形、十七层、每层都有飞檐的古怪建筑,华西人称之为“金塔”。

10.Though swallow fear human so much, they still build nests under eave of human's house.纵然,燕子是这么的惧怕人类,可是牠却偏偏要在人们居住的屋檐下筑巢。