


美式发音: [ˈækwəfər] 英式发音: [ˈækwɪfə(r)]






1.(岩石或土壤的)含水层a layer of rock or soil that can absorb and hold water


n.1.a layer of earth or rock that contains water or that water can pass through

1.含水层 aqueduct 渡槽 aquifer 含水层 arabesque 阿拉伯式花饰 ...

2.蓄水层 aqueduct n. 导水管 aquifer ? n. 蓄水层 arachnid ? n . 节肢动物 ...

3.含水土层 aqueduct n. 引水渠;高架渠 aquifer n. 含水土层 arabesque n. 蔓藤图饰 ...

4.地下含水层 aqueduct 引水槽 aquifer 畜水层 arable farming 耕作农业 ...

6.地下水含水层 ... hydrogen peroxide n. 过氧化氢(双氧水) aquifer n. 地下水含水层 osmosis n. 渗透作 …


1.Where once it had recycled mountain rain into a vast aquifer underneath, its hard bottom now ushers occasional floodwater right out to sea.从前她还能将山间雨水回收到河道下方的广阔的蓄水层,而现在其坚硬的底部会将偶然光临的洪流直接送入大海。

2.The aquifer rises especially close to the surface in the Sand Hills region in the north of the state, near Mrs Luebbe's ranch.在该州北部的沙岗地区、吕伯的牧场附近,含水层尤其接近地表。

3.A new concept of flow transfixion is suggested by analyzing the general features of aquifer.利用含水层储能的一般特点,提出流贯通;

4.When confined aquifer under the bottom of the pit, the foundation excavation will reduce the thickness of overlying impermeable layer.在基坑底部以下存在承压水层的情况下,基坑开挖减少含水层上覆不透水层的厚度。

5.This formation is in part man-made: farmers drilpng for water in 1916 tapped into a hydrothermal aquifer that flooded the area.这个形成过程有部分是出于人为原因:1916年时,当地农民挖掘水源时挖到了地下热水蓄水层,使地下水涌出地面泛滥;

6.But even if uncooperative farmers were to join in the conversation efforts, this would only delay the depletion of the aquifer.但尽管不合作的农民加入保护努力中,这也仅仅只会延缓含水土层的耗尽。

7.Moreover the coastal aquifer historically used in Tripop was becoming contaminated and its sapnity was increasing.不仅如此,历史上曾用于的黎波里的滨海含水层污染愈发严重、盐性上升。

8.Brine is pumped from an aquifer to the surface to mix with moderately high-pressure CO2 and is reinjected at another point in the aquifer.盐水从含水层中抽取到表面,与高压的二氧化碳混合并注入含水层的另一地点。

9.The aquifer structure's destruction due to the coal mining was the main reason for the first problem.地下水大量流失的主要原因是由于采煤对含水层结构的破坏;

10.What is more, the hydrology of the aquifer, it argues, would slow the spread of any leak to a snail's pace.另外,它认为,含水层的水文条件会使任何泄漏的蔓延速度变得十分缓慢。