


美式发音: [iˈboʊlə] 英式发音: [iˈbəʊlə]




n.1.伊波拉病毒; 埃博拉病毒2.伊波拉病; 埃博拉病

n.1.a virus transmitted by blood and body fluids that causes the pnings of bodily organs and vessels to leak blood and fluids, usually resulting in deatstrong.a serious disease that causes you to lose blood from all parts of your body and usually results in death

1.伊波拉卫生组织(WHO)昨天证实,刚果民主共和国东北部的伊波拉Ebola)病毒疫情已经失控,正在迅速蔓延扩散,过去1周至 …

2.埃博拉拉沙(Lassa)病毒在《第四级病毒》一书中出现的埃波拉Ebola)病毒和拉沙(Lassa)病毒则属于第四级生物体,是目前 …

6.埃博拉出血热刚果于2007年爆发埃博拉出血热Ebola),造成至少160人死亡。8.登革热 巴西里约热内卢州于2008年爆发登革热传染病, …

7.病毒伊波拉事到如今,数年前曾经肆虐为害於非洲的病毒伊波拉(EBOLA),来自带病毒的肉类,据若干病毒专家推测,其与英国较早爆发 …

8.扎伊尔埃博拉陈锡骐;扎伊尔埃博拉Ebola)出血热暴发流行[J];广东卫生防疫;1995年03期马家奇;21世纪中国互联网络的发展对传染病疫情 …


1.The strain of Ebola that broke out in Zaire has one of the highest of any human pathogenic virus, roughly 90%.扎伊尔爆发的伊波拉种群具备人类致病菌的最高死亡率,大约为90%。

2.The natural reservoir of the Ebola virus seems to reside in the rain forests of the African continent and in areas of the Western Pacific.埃博拉病毒的自然宿主似乎居于非洲大陆的雨林以及西太平洋地区。

3.But recent experiments on macaques have shown that the booster alone led to full immunity against Ebola in less than four weeks.不过最近以猕猴进行的实验显示,即使仅注射追加的部份,不到四个星期也可对伊波拉病毒产生完整的免疫力。

4.However only a very small number of humans with Ebola Reston antibodies have ever been detected, and all were healthy adult males.但是,测出埃博拉莱斯顿抗体的人数很少,而且全都是健康的成年男性。

5.Ebola haemorrhagic fever (EHF) is a viral haemorrhagic fever and one of the most virulent viral diseases known to humankind.埃博拉出血热是病毒性出血热,是人类已知最剧烈的病毒性疾病之一。

6.The Ebola virus is transmitted by direct contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other body fluids of infected persons.埃博拉病毒是经与被感染者的血液、分泌物、器官或其它体液的直接接触传播。

7.The last confirmed case of Ebola died on 22 September in Kampungu MSF isolation ward and was buried safely.最后一起埃博拉确诊病例于9月22日在坎喷谷的医师无国界协会隔离病房死亡并安全埋葬。

8.When the Ebola virus jumps from an ape into a person , it often races through a family or a hospital before burning itself out .当埃博拉病毒从猿传到人,在它失去活力之前,往往会在短期内迅速感染病人全家或整个医院。

9.Laboratory investigations at the Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI), Entebbe, Uganda confirmed Ebola virus (Sudan species).位于乌干达恩德培市的乌干达病毒研究所进行的实验室调查证实了埃博拉病毒(苏丹埃博拉病毒)。

10.Western lowland gorilla populations in central Africa have collapsed due to the commercial bushmeat trade and the Ebola virus.西部低地大猩猩在中非的数量由于商业兽肉贸易和伊波拉病毒迅速减少。