





4.亨伯河法保险,所以没办法再贩卖‧‧‧。科学家预测兰开夏/亨伯河Humber)走廊将是受到最严重影响的地区,其它的地方还有泰晤 …



1.In the same statement in which he unveiled the infrastructure plan, the British chancellor halved the tolls for crossing the Humber bridge.在公开基础设施计划的同一个声明中,英国首相将通过亨伯桥的费用减半。

2.But today Humber Coastguards said the canoeist and his craft were still missing and hopes were fading.今天汉伯海上警卫队说找到失踪者和他的独木舟的希望越来越渺茫。

3.The names of the rivers Itchen, Wey, Colne and Humber are thought to be pre-Celtic - in use since at least 500 BC.那些名为Itchen、Wey、Colne和Humber的河流据说都出现在凯尔特人以前,即至少在公元前500年就已经开始使用。

4.Traffic backed up in both directions from the Don Valley Parkway to the east and as far as the Humber River in the west end.交通支持两个方向的当河谷大道以东和至于亨伯河西端。

5.Plans to transform the South Bank of the Humber into an international centre for renewable energy industries have been revealed.将汉博南岸变为一个国际再生能源工业中心的计划已揭晓。

6.It said there was also a moderate risk of widespread icy roads in Yorkshire and Humber, London and the south-east and the Midlands.据说约克郡,汉伯,伦敦,东南以及中部地区也有可能出现普遍冰冻路面。

7.Not more than 14 years ago, the Humber River was almost clear of salmon, before the loggers stopped floating their timber down the river.就在不到14年前,亨伯河的三文鱼几乎灭绝。后来伐木者停止了沿河漂运木材的做法。

8.Important rivers flowing into the North Sea are the Thames, Humber, Tees, and Tyne.流入北海的重要河流是:泰晤士,亨伯,蒂斯,泰恩。

9.The north-east, Yorkshire and Humber, and London were next in pne, but the south-east fared best, at 6. 1% unemployment.东北部,约克夏和亨伯,和伦敦紧随其后,但东南部表现最佳,维持6.1%的失业率。

10.It rises in Staffordshire and flows northeast 168 mi (270 km) to unite with the Ouse River west of Hull to form the Humber Estuary.源出斯塔福郡,向东北蜿蜒270公里与赫尔西部的乌斯河汇合,形成亨伯河口湾。