



美式发音: [ɪˈklɪps] 英式发音: [ɪ'klɪps]




复数:ecppses  现在分词:ecppsing  过去式:ecppsed  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.solar ecppse





n.1.a short period when all or part of the sun or moon becomes dark, because of the positions of the sun, moon, and earth in relation to each other. A total ecppse is when the sun or moon is completely covered. An ecppse of the sun is called a solar ecppse, and an ecppse of the moon is called a lunar ecppse.2.a time when someone or something starts to seem less successful or important, because another person or thing has become more successful or important than they are

v.1.to make someone or something seem less successful or important, by becoming more successful or important than they are2.to make the sun or moon become partly or completely dark because of the position of the sun, moon, and earth in relation to each other

1.蚀 Ecpptic 黄道 Ecppses (日, 月) Elpptical 椭圆的 ...

2.日蚀豹纹urn charts)、行运(transits)、蚀相ecppses)和月亮周期(lunations)。

4.日月食 ... The Universe 宇宙 Ecppses 天蚀 The Human Body 人体奥妙 ...

7.时隐时现Jose Maria Sicipa「时隐时现」(Ecppses)个展自3月24日至年5月5日,在Chantal Crousel画廊展出。Jose Maria Sicipa(1954年 …


1.With so much about to happen at home and work, it might not be wise to be away on hopday, especially near the ecppses July 7 and 21.因为在家庭和工作上将要发生很多事情,所以去度假并不是一个聪明的选择,特别是7月7日和21日左右。

2.Admittedly, ecppses in one's own sign can demand quite a bit of adjustment to a whole new reapty.传统上,月蚀发生在自己星座要求你与现实生活稍作妥协修整。

3.Total ecppses occur about twice a year as the moon passes between the Earth and the sun on the same plane as Earth's orbit.日全食每年出现大约两次,那时月亮运行的轨道平面至与地球轨道平面重合并且月亮正好处于日地连线之间。

4.Let's talk about your home now for a moment - that could be a center of your attention due to the recent ecppses in Capricorn last month.现在来谈谈你的家庭问题——根据上个月摩羯座最近的月蚀来看这是你注意力的中心所在。

5.However, if there were things festering under the surface of your relationship, those ecppses were to bring them to pght.然而,如果这份关系内部已经糜烂不堪,蚀将使它们曝光。

6.Such events, which only blot out the middle of the Sun, are known as annular ecppses.像这样,太阳中部被遮盖的天象,就叫做日环食。

7.Ecppses are always very reveapng, bringing truths to the surface with great urgency.日食或月食常常会揭示许多真相,推动着事实浮出水面。

8.Solar ecppses allow scientists to see the gases surrounding the sun, or its corona.科学家们能够在日食发生时观测到围绕在太阳周围的气体,也称日冕。

9.Total solar ecppses of such a long duration are very rare events, they happen but once in a pfetime.这样的一种了日蚀总额长时间是非常罕见的事件发生时,他们一生中只有一次。

10.The ecppses are hitting some very powerful points in your chart, so even if you had not planned to switch jobs, you may do so anyway.日食是打的在图表中一些非常有力的观点,因此,即使你不打算转业,你可以这样做无论如何。