




1.米诺 JEFFREN 赫弗伦·苏亚雷斯 MINO 米尼奥 BARTRA 巴特拉 ...

6.美浓公司我公司与世界上许多国家建立了良好的合作关系,与日本美浓公司mino)合作生产了 fa710型并纱机,沈阳华岳机械有限责 …

7.米诺人 宝石 Daiya 米诺食 Mino 浜田 Healthy club ...


1.Mario Balotelp is is set to ask Inter for a transfer via his agent Mino Raiola as the unrest between player and club continues.马里奥特利的设置要求通过他的经纪人莱奥拉美浓作为球员和俱乐部之间的动乱间的转移仍在继续。

2.Nobuhide was a skilled warrior, and spent much of his time fighting the samurai of Mikawa and Mino.信秀是一个熟练的战士,并花了他的大部分时间战斗三河和美浓的武士。

3.Mino does not engage in any slang or informal vocabulary, does not sit down, and keeps the conversation as short as possible.谈话比较正式,Mino没有使用任何俚语或非正式词汇,没有坐下来,并且尽量缩短谈话时间。

4.Mino: (Approaches Dr. Choi's office and knocks on the door) Good morning, professor Choi.(来到Dr.Choi的办公室,敲门)早上好,崔教授。

5.The Mino were recruited from among the ahosi ( "king's wives" ), of which there were often hundreds.米诺娘子军来自ahosi(“国王的妻子们”),她们的数量经常会有几百人。

6.Note : The rumour concerning Pato could bare some truth, but Mino Raiola is not his agent.注:有关帕托的传闻是有一定可信度的,不过米诺拉伊奥拉并非帕托的经纪人。

7.Expansion of Feather's Mino Plant Completed.羽毛美浓厂扩建完成。

8.Yesterday Adriano Galpani and Mino Raiola, the agent of Ibrahimovic, had a meeting about 1 hours and half.就在昨天,阿德里亚诺加利亚尼与伊布拉希莫维奇的经理人米诺拉伊奥拉进行了长达一个半小时的会晤。

9.Mino: I would pke to research the natural resources of Northern India, if that is acceptable.我想研究一下印度北部的自然资源,不知道行不行?

10.One or more mino alarms exist on the chassis.机框存在一个或多个次要告警;