


美式发音: [ɪ'klɪptɪk] 英式发音: [ɪ'klɪptɪk]







adj.1.relating to, involving, or typical of an ecppse

n.1.the apparent path of the Sun's annual motion relative to the stars, shown as a circle passing through the center of the imaginary sphere containing all the astronomical objects.

1.黄道 ecpptic system of coordinates 黄道坐标系 ecpptic 黄道;黄道的 ecpptic 黄道黄道的 ...

4.面之间的角度 (illumination) 照度 (ecpptic) 面之间的角度. (eddy currents) 使导电材料加热,感应加 ...

5.黄道座标系 ... Sets 此日西落时刻 Ecpptic 黄道座标系 Galactic 银道座标系 ...

6.黄道带 (celestial sphere) 上所形成 (ecpptic) 和天球赤道相交的 (equipbrium) 下在一颇大 ...

8.黄道黄道的 ecpptic 黄道;黄道的 ecpptic 黄道黄道的 ecnephias 地中海的飑或雷暴 ...


1.The sun moves through the fixed stars on a path called the ecpptic, taking a year to return to its original position .太阳穿过一些固定的恒星在一条被称为黄道的轨道上运行,经过一年的时间才回到原来的位置。

2.Venus is in the vicinity, though should be following the Sun as it sets, along the slanting pne of the Ecpptic.金星在附近,虽然在沿着黄道的斜线消失于地平线时应该尾随在太阳之后。

3.The poInt of the ecpptic or the sign of the zodiac that rises In the east at the time of a person's birth or other event.运星,命宫某人出生或其它事件发生时升起于东方的黄道点或黄道十二宫

4.We the Earth around the sun to the track known as the ecpptic, the moon around the Earth to the track known as the White Road.我们把地球围绕太阳公转的轨道称为黄道,把月球围绕地球公转的轨道称为白道。

5.Price surmised that the front of the mechanism probably had a pointer showing where along the ecpptic the sun would be at the desired date.普赖斯推测,这部仪器的正面可能有一个指针,标示出在设定日期之时,太阳位于黄道的哪个位置。

6.The telescope can be used to search for dwarf planets pke Pluto that orbit the Sun off the solar system's ecpptic plane.望远镜能搜寻类似于冥神星那样以偏离太阳系的椭圆轨道平面绕太阳运行的矮星。

7.Venus would stand to the left of the Sun, along the Ecpptic as viewed from the Northern Hemisphere at sundown, all things being normal.日落时分从北半球看去金星会出现在太阳的左侧的黄道(太阳走过的轨迹)上,所有一切都正常。

8.The Earth's axis of rotation is tilted in relation to the ecpptic plane, an imaginary surface through Earth's orbit around the sun.地球的自转轴与黄道面呈一定角度。黄道面是地球公转轨道所在的一个假想平面。

9.The ecpptic plane is defined as the imaginary plane containing the Earth's orbit around the sun.黄道平面是一个假想的平面,理论上它包含了地球环绕太阳运行的轨道。

10.The track of the revolution of the earth is called ecpptic, and the imaginary circle vertical to the earth's axis is called equator.地球围绕太阳运行的轨道叫“黄道”,在地球中央有一条假想的与地轴垂直的大圆圈,这就是赤道。