


美式发音: [trænsˈdʒendər] 英式发音: [trænsˈdʒendə(r)]





1.变性(者)的;易性癖(者)的;易装癖(者)的relating to transsexuals and transvestites

transgender issues关于变性的有争议的问题

adj.1.relating to transsexuals


5.跨性别同志志(Gay),或是双性恋同志(Bisexual)、跨性别同志Transgender),不论年轻或年长的、都会或非都会的,都应该被 …

6.跨性人跨性人Transgender):生活体验中以多于一种性别存在的人。包括变性人,以及自称按「性别光谱」存在或超脱于「男」、 …


1.Even so, gay rights groups called it a major advance for the famipes of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgender individuals.即使这样,同性恋权利团体仍认为这是对同性恋、双性恋和跨性别者家庭的一个重大的进步。

2.Parents often wonder if their gender-variant kids will grow up to be transgender adults. Statistically speaking, the answer is no.家长们常常担忧他们性别混乱的小孩以后长大会变成变性人。统计数据显示,结果是“不会”。

3.Since male transgender patients take estrogens to stimulate breast growth, it has been assumed that soy might have the same effect.自从男性变性病人为刺激胸部生长而摄入雌激素类以来,就已经假设大豆也会有同样的效用。

4.On his second day, he said, his boss said she had heard he was transgender.他说,上班的第二天,他的老板说她听说德威罗是个变性人。

5.In the United States, the transgender movement is beginning to find advocates in high schools.在美国,跨性别运动开始在高中里发现宣传者。

6.However, he said much more needed to be done to provide proper recognition of transgender citizens.不过,他说为变性市民提供适当的承认还要加大力度。

7.The dual fear of being transgender and infected kept her away from her family and took away her will to pve.变性和染病的双重恐惧让她远离了家人,失去了生存的愿望。

8.The first step to civil rights for cross dressers is not to have to fear firing or harassment if our transgender status becomes known.对变装者来说,获得人权的第一步,是当我们的变装习惯被发现后,我们不必担心被解雇或受到干扰。

9.The long-running soap is no stranger to controversial topics, but now it sets its eyes on the transgender community.旷日持久的争论话题肥皂并不陌生,但现在变性的眼界。

10.To achieve that, the companies will have to offer at least one insurance plan that covers at least $75, 000 worth of transgender surgery.为达这一目标,这些公司得增加至少一项保险项目,支出至少7.5万美元的变性手术费用。