


网络释义:欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Center for Medium Weather Forecasting);欧洲中心;欧洲中期预报


1.欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Center for Medium Weather Forecasting) TWC 天气频道[英] ECMWF 欧洲中期数值预报中心 FMI 芬兰气象协会 ...

6.欧洲中期预报中心(1)蒐集欧洲中期预报中心ECMWF)全球资料、美国国家气象中心(NMC)全球资料、全球大气计画(TOGA TAO)海上 …


1.To be able to do so, Cyprus would need to be a member of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF).为了能够这样做,塞浦路斯将需要为一个中期气象预报欧洲中心(ECMWF)的成员。

2.Vapdation of ECMWF Sea Level Pressure Analyses over the Belpngshausen Sea, Antarctica.南极别林斯高晋海海平面气压分析的确定。

3.If that is the case, ECMWF would provide, I am sure, data to help build such a system.如果确实如此,我确信ECMWF会提供数据帮助建立这样一个系统。

4.We developed a system for Bangladesh using ECMWF data for flood prediction.我们利用ECMWF的洪水预报数据为孟加拉国开发了一个系统。

5.Performance of the ECMWF model in forecasting the tracks of tropical cyclones in the South China Sea and parts of the western North Pacific中国南海和太平洋西北部热带气旋路径预报的ECMWF模式演示

6.Influence of a stochastic parameterization on the frequency of occurrence of North Pacific weather regimes in the ECMWF model随机参数化对ECMWF模式北太平洋天气特征出现频率的影响

7.Investigation of the sensitivity of the ECMWF radiation scheme to input parameters using adjoint techniqueECMWF辐射方案对伴随方法输入参数的敏感性调查

8.Evaluation of tropical cirrus cloud properties derived from ECMWF model output and ground based measurements over Nauru Island上方陆基测量导出热带卷云特性的估价

9.A Comparison of Surface Layer and Surface Turbulent Flux Observations over the Labrador Sea with ECMWF Analyses and NCEP Reanalyses拉布拉多海表面层和表层湍流通量观测与ECMWF分析和NCEP再分析的比较

10.Balanced tropical data assimilation based on a study of equatorial waves in ECMWF short-range forecast errors以ECMWF短期预报误差中近赤道波研究为基础的平衡热带资料同化