



美式发音: [mɑrtʃ] 英式发音: [mɑː(r)tʃ]


v.进军;邻接(upon with);使前进;拖走


复数:marches  现在分词:marching  过去式:marched  同义词反义词



v.file,troop,parade,step out,rush



v.1.毗连,邻接(upon with)2.使前进,使行军,使进军;拖走,拖去3.进,进行,进军,推进4.(事件等)发展,进展5.脚步沉重地走1.毗连,邻接(upon with)2.使前进,使行军,使进军;拖走,拖去3.进,进行,进军,推进4.(事件等)发展,进展5.脚步沉重地走

n.1.a walk by a group of soldiers in which each person matches the speed and movements of the others; the distance to a place measured by the time that it takes soldiers to march there2.a walk by a group of people to a place in order to protest about something3.a piece of music with a strong beat that matches the steps taken by marching soldiers4.the third month of the year, between February and April1.a walk by a group of soldiers in which each person matches the speed and movements of the others; the distance to a place measured by the time that it takes soldiers to march there2.a walk by a group of people to a place in order to protest about something3.a piece of music with a strong beat that matches the steps taken by marching soldiers4.the third month of the year, between February and April

v.1.if soldiers march, they walk in a group with each person matching the speed and movements of the others; to walk along a road as part of a group of people protesting about something2.to walk somewhere quickly and in a determined, confident, or angry way3.to force someone to walk somewhere with you, for example by holding their arm4.to continue to happen, develop, or make progress and be impossible to stop1.if soldiers march, they walk in a group with each person matching the speed and movements of the others; to walk along a road as part of a group of people protesting about something2.to walk somewhere quickly and in a determined, confident, or angry way3.to force someone to walk somewhere with you, for example by holding their arm4.to continue to happen, develop, or make progress and be impossible to stop

1.行军 ... 进行辩护 issuing 进行曲 marching 进行辩护 to issue ...


5.列队行进我们不上课的话,就去搞March训练,就是到外面去列队行进Marching),从这儿March到那儿,再从那儿March回来,就 …

6.行军踏步 半程背部滚动 Half Roll Back 行军踏步 Marching 猫背伸展 Cat Stretch ...

7.适合行进曲的鼓组音色 萨克斯风 Saxophone 行进乐器 Marching 打击乐器 Percussion ...


1.Imagine that you just hit the snooze alarm and in a minute, you're going to be marching through the morning routine.想象你刚刚按下了打盹闹钟一分钟,你就要起床开始一天的早上的例行事。

2.To the east, Soviet forces also were marching into Germany. It did not take long for the American and Soviet forces to meet in victory.在东面,苏联军队也进入到德国,不久,美军和苏军胜利会师,在欧洲的战争就要结束了!

3.It reached unending into the sky and its trunk was apve with an army of marching ants, each of them carrying a glowing neon digit.它直入云天,躯干上爬满了一群稳步前行的蚂蚁,每一只都扛着一个闪光的霓虹数字。

4.Just then, the commander ant picked up the scent of a picnic basket. The long pme of ants picked up speed-marching, marching, marching.就在此时,蚂蚁总司令官闻到一篮子野炊的味道。长长的一纵队蚂蚁加快了速度向前进,前进,向前进。

5.And then, just when he thought he might finally be able to go back to sleep, the marching bands and troops started up.“其中一个可能在我的房间,”他在日记中写道。而后,正当他以为总算可以继续睡觉的时候,游行乐队与队伍开始了。

6.When you are happy, deselect your marching ants by going back up to your Select menu at the top of your screen and choosing Deselect.如果觉得满意,通过顶部的选择菜单的“取消选择”来取消行军蚂蚁线。

7.Just now she had given it marching orders and it had been trudging over the sandy plains of a history of German thought.这会儿她已向它发出前进的命令,要它在德国思想史的沙碛上艰难地跋涉。

8.There is no fanfare, no marching band. Just the gentle opening of the gateway and withdrawal. Now, it is all up to you.没有号角,没有乐队。只有大门的轻轻打开和退去。现在,一切取决于你们。

9.It was raining heavily. The wind was blowing. A group of soldiers were marching along the highway . . .天下着大雨。风猛烈地刮着。一群士兵正沿着公路行军……

10.The company is now marching forwards a higher goal and welcome you to join us.金龙国际贸易公司正朝着一个更高的目标前进并热诚欢迎您的加入。