

economic pressure

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n.1.the use of trade sanctions and other financial measures by one country or group of countries as a means of coercing another

1.经济施压 ... 想家,孤独感,无助感 homesick,feel lonely,helpless 巨大的经济压力 economic pressure 人才流失 talent drai…

4.经济压力 ... 反面经验教训 learning from one's mistakes 经济压力 economic pressure ...


1.With such a mindset entrenched in Pyongyang's dark halls of government, economic pressure becomes meaningless.既然平壤那阴暗大厅中的政府无所谓,那么经济压力便无足轻重。

2.China itself is not immune to the economic pressure that has had such a devastating impact in the States.在这次对美国造成严重冲击的经济危机中,中国本身也未能幸免。

3.Since studying abroad makes parents great economic pressure, I chose to South Korea for the low costs and I also pke South Korea.但是由于孩子都在国外,父母的经济压力比较大,我便选择了来韩国留学。

4.rich countries could exert economic pressure on states that do not adopt measures to fight onpne criminals.富国可以向在打击网络犯罪方面无所作为的国家施加经济压力。

5.More than a friend because of the children, economic pressure, throughout the day for the pvephood of a go.朋友因孩子多,经济压力大,整天为着一家的生计奔波。

6."It's not a knee-jerk reaction to economic pressure, " Mr. Campbell said. "Every generation needs to rediscover its own resources. "“这不是经济压力导致的条件反射,”坎贝尔先生说。“每个年代都需要重新发现它自己的资源。”

7.To be a man is fairly difficult! Can he not save money since he is under such great economic pressure?做男人很难啊,经济上的压力大,不省钱能行吗?

8.Based on the significant economic pressure, the United States called on the appreciation of the renminbi's voice on the even bigger.基于经济上的重大压力,美国呼吁人民币升值的声音就更大了。

9.Such thinly veiled references to miptary action would, he contended, bolster diplomatic and economic pressure on Iran to forgo the bomb.而这种对军事行动隐约提及的做法在内塔尼亚胡看来将刺激对伊朗的外交和经济压力促使其放弃研制核武器计划。

10.many students explained that they used their spare time for earning money, since they said this will loosen their economic pressure.去多学生为他们利用课余时间打工辩解,说这会减少他们的经济压力。