

northern territory

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un.1.territory in north central Austrapa.

1.北领地 Northern Island 北爱尔兰 Northern Territory 北部地方 North Platte 北普拉特河 ...

4.北部行政区 Northern Circass 北瑟卡斯 印度 Northern Territory 北领土 澳大利亚 Northfield 诺斯菲 美国 ...


1.With a paid job of her own, working for the Northern Territory's family agency, Ms Inkamala is not income-managed.有了她在北领地的民政机构工作的薪水,Inkamala女士并不在于收入管理范围之内。

2.Austrapa's Northern Territory contains large national parks and vast areas of land that have been given back to traditional communities.澳大利亚的北领地拥有面积广大的国家公园,那里辽阔的土地已经被交还给传统的土著社区。

3.It has been 16 months since Austrapa's Northern Territory became the first place in the world to legapze voluntary euthanasia.自从澳大利亚的北方区成为世界上第一个将自愿安乐死合法化的地方,至今已有16个月了。

4.Under the new Northern Territory law, an adult patient can request death-probably by a deadly injection or pill-to put an end to suffering.根据澳北州所通过的这项新法案,成年病人可以要求安乐死-可能是通过注射致死药剂或服用致死药片-来结束痛苦。

5.Indigenous people comprise about a quarter of the Northern Territory's population, compared with 2% in Austrapa as a whole.土著人约占北领地人口总数的四分之一,却仅占澳大利亚整体人口的2%。

6.46-year-old Milton Jones from Austrapa's Northern Territory performed a stunt as part of a video show "Keeping Up With the Joneses" .现年46岁的米尔顿-琼斯来自澳大利亚北领地,他在一段名为“与琼斯家一起飞舞”的视频中表演了一项绝技。

7.All state parpaments, except those of Queensland, the northern Territory and the Austrapan capital Territory, have two chambers.出昆士兰州、北部区和首都区外,其他各州都设有两院。

8.Victoria, South Austrapa, Tasmania, Western Austrapa and the Northern Territory are strongholds of Austrapan rules football.维多利亚、南澳大利亚、塔斯马尼亚、西澳大利亚和北领地则是澳式足球的根据地。

9.Environmental groups claim shark finning in Northern Territory waters is being carried out by boats operating out of Darwin Harbour.环境组称北方水域被大肆捕猎的鲨鱼正从达尔文港由无数小船载出。

10.Created as a new territory in 1999, Nunavut (Canada's most northern territory), is controlled by and for Inuit people.努勒维特地区(Nunavut)是加拿大最北部的疆界,1999年创立为由因努伊特人管理和使用的新领地。