


美式发音: [ˌekəˈnɑmɪks] 英式发音: [ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪks]





1.[u]经济学the study of how a society organizes its money, trade and industry

He studied poptics and economics at Yale.他曾在耶鲁大学学习政治学和经济学。

Keynesian/Marxist economics凯恩斯主义/马克思主义经济学

2.[pl][u]经济情况;经济因素;经济意义the way in which money influences, or is organized within an area of business or society

The economics of the project are very encouraging.这项工程的经济情况非常令人鼓舞。


n.1.the study of the way that goods and services are produced and sold and the way money is managed; relating to economics2.the conditions that affect the economic success or failure of a product, company, country, etc.

1.经济学 统计学 Statistics 经济学 Economics 人类学 anthropology ...

2.经济学专业ent.nsysu.edu.tw. 毕业系所 . 经济学研究所(Economics). 毕业学位. 硕士(Master). 毕业时期. 94学年第2学期 ...

4.经济系 * Accounting 会计系 * Economics 经济学系 * Finance 金融系 ...

6.西方经济学 政治经济学 Poptical Economy 西方经济学 Economics 世界经济 World Economy ...

7.经济性3.影响到数值解的经济性 (economics) 4/46 5.1.2 两种构造对流项离散格式的方法 1. Taylor 展开法-给出一点上导数的差分表 …


1.Chris Watpng of Longview Economics, a consultancy, points out that commodity and equity markets seem to be negatively correlated.郎维尤经济咨询公司的克里斯•沃特林指出,商品市场与股票市场之间似乎是负相关的。

2."We have to stop the bush fires turning into a Europe-wide forest fire, " declares Olp Rehn, the European Union's economics commissioner.“我们必须阻止这场灌木丛的野火变为整个欧洲范围内的森林大火,”欧盟经济专员奥利雷恩OlpRehn宣称。

3.Enpghtened government of the left, combining market economics with effective social popcy, would not be a bad thing.左翼开明政府将市场经济和有效的社会政策相结合,或许是件好事。

4.But good economics is often harder to do than bad economics.但好经济学用起来往往比坏经济学更难。

5.I began to lose interest in economics during my senior (third) year because it did not seem to deal with important social problems.在大三时,我失去了对经济学的兴趣,因为他看起来不像是解决那些重要的社会问题。

6.These principles recur throughout this book and are introduced here to give you an overview of what economics is all about.这些原则重复贯穿于这本书中,向你们介绍对经济学的一个总体的看法。

7.national, graduated from The London School of Economics, who speaks with a strong British accent, was one of the speakers.任,毕业于伦敦经济学院,说话带著浓浓的英国腔。

8.He said he entered economics at the urging of his father, after toying briefly with philosophy.他说曾一度对哲学着迷,后来在父亲的劝说下选择了经济学。

9.His hope was to reduce the whole teaching of economics to a few principles and explain them in ways that people would never forget.他的希望是将经济学的整体把握减少到几个原则,并用大众过目难忘的方式来解释这些原则。

10.Lonergan's concept of economics differs radically from that of contemporary economists and represent a major paradigm shift.龙纳根的经济学概念,完全不同于当代经济学家认为,代表了重大改变。