


网络释义:埃德;Equinox Desktop Environment;埃德市


1.埃德 阿珀尔多伦 Apeldoorn 埃德 Ede 奈梅亨 Nijmegen ...

2.Equinox Desktop Environment S/PDIF 索尼/飞利普数字接口 EDE 电子数据交换 DAC 军队文职部 ...


1.As an alternative, Ede & Ravenscroft has recently developed a cloth that mixes wool, cashmere and sea island cotton.作为代替产品,埃德和拉芬斯克洛夫最近开发了一种混合了羊毛、开司米和海岛棉的面料。

2.EDE knows what target a file belongs to, and will offer the correct options automatically when debugging or compipng.EDE知道某个文件为什么目标服务,并自动提供正确的选项用以编译和调试。

3.It is integrated into the EDE so developers can run it themselves and fix any problems it finds.FindBugs被集成到EDE中,以便开发人员可以亲自运行它并解决它找到的所有问题。

4.But Jamie Ede, a London dealer, prefers the official fairs because they attract new cpents and "create an overall buzz" .但伦敦的经销商吉姆士•埃德表示更喜欢正规博览会场,因为那里能吸引新的客户,并且“产生全面性传闻”。

5.One day, two days, three days have passed, and can not stomach Ede, go get the food.一天、两天、三天过去了,肚子饿得不行了,得到处去找东西吃。

6.Temporary Banning of Turning Movement of Vehicles on Ede Road onto Cornwall Street, Kowloon Tong九塘义德道往歌和老街临时禁止车辆转向