


美式发音: [ˈedɪtəd] 英式发音: [ˈedɪtɪd]




Adj.+n.edited version





adj.1.an edited account of an event is not exactly true or accurate

v.1.The past tense and past participle of edit

1.编辑 Educated 教育 Edited 编辑 Effected 影响 ...

2.已编辑NGINEER 会将倒圆角段延伸到曲面片。注意,“已编辑”(Edited) 出现在选定段的“段”(Pieces) 表中。如需要重复此过程。

3.被编辑 edit 编辑 edited 被编辑 editor 编辑器 ...

4.编辑过的 Almost 几乎,差不多 Edited 编辑过的 OnpneAcronyms 在线缩略词 ...

5.剪辑 【服装】 Costume Designer 【剪辑Edited 【美术指导】 Production Designer ...

6.主编 ... written - 编写 edited- 主编 displayed - 展现 ...

7.节录 顺德容桂旅游宣传片(观光篇)( Sight-seeing) 新婚生活易(节录)( Edited) 香港办公室 Hong Kong Office ...


1.You know he's a real guy. The mistakes are edited in - not out - which may be precisely the opposite of what a larger nonprofit might do.不像Darius视频里的那样,你可以知道他是个真实的人,即使一些错误也会被编辑进来,而非删掉。

2.In 1996, the prose Once upon a time there was an idol was selected in the magazine Work edited by Yu Xinjiao.1996年——散文《从前有一个偶像》由俞心焦收入其所编辑的《工作》杂志。

3.The scripts humans have been pving from are beginning to be edited by those who are map carving ascension.人类所生活的剧本,正在开始被提升地图的绘制者们所改写。

4.Once it was entered, the text could be edited and played back, causing a new copy to be typed out on the attached typewriter.将其插入盒子后,文本将会被编辑和回放,可在与之相连接的打印机上打印出副本。

5.As for The Economist's hip factor, Mr. Micklethwait said it had nothing to do with how the magazine was edited.麦克列威特先生表示,至于《经济学人》的时尚因素,这与该杂志是如何编辑的没有任何关系。

6.Only 20 non-Chinese films are allowed to be shown in theaters each year, for instance, and those are often edited.举例来说,每年只有20部外语片获准在内地上映,而且是经过修改之后的。

7.Part of the document contains design data meant to be edited and updated by the company's design department.文档的一部分包含了设计数据,将由公司设计部分进行编辑和更新。

8.The actual released ending is almost as scandalous by today "s standards, and is usually edited on television rebroadcasts today. "最终发行的电影结局用今天的标准来衡量可以说是离经叛道,在电视转播时都会被重新编辑删减。

9.They also show her "to be even better at writing dialogue and conversation than the edited style of her pubpshed novels suggest. "同时也表明“相对于她已出版的编辑体的小说,她更擅长于描写对话”。

10.Written by a child, drawn by an adult, if it were edited by an old man it would be a great answer to a sphinx riddle.这部漫画是由儿童编剧、成人绘图,如果再由老人当编辑,这就变成斯芬克斯之谜的好答案了。