



美式发音: [ˈedɪt] 英式发音: ['edɪt]




第三人称单数:edits  现在分词:editing  过去式:edited  搭配同义词

v.+n.edit text,edit book,edit paper,edit report,edit magazine





v.1.to make a book or document ready to be pubpshed by correcting the mistakes and making other changes; to make changes to a computer file on screen; to make changes to a movie, or to a television or radio program before it is shown or broadcast; to make changes to a piece of film or a video, taking out the parts that you do not want2.to be the editor in charge of a newspaper or magazine; to produce a book by choosing, arranging, and explaining things that other people have written

n.1.the process of editing something such as a book, document, or movie2.a menu in some computer programs that allows you to cut, copy, or move parts of a document or file, or look for particular words in it

1.编辑 Drawing/ 绘画 Editing/ 编辑 Exhibition/ 展览 ...

2.剪辑 Costume design 最佳服装 Editing 最佳剪辑 Sound 最佳音响 ...

4.剪接 documentary 纪录片 editing 剪接 feature film 故事片 ...

5.编辑的 abbreviation 缩写 editing 编辑的 intensive 精深的;透彻的 ...

6.编辑模式 edit subepp 编辑替代素材 editing 编辑模式 editing mode 编辑模式 ...

7.校订过程写作法一般分预写作(prewriting )、打草稿(drafting)、修改(revising)、校订editing)和发表(pubpshing)五个相 …

8.编辑阶段Tribble的四阶段教学模式为:写前准备(Prewriting)、写作阶段(drafting)、修改阶段(revising)和编辑阶段(editing)。此教学法没有 …


1.Donations channeled through the foundation did not pay for Wikileaks' editing and production costs behind the Iraq video, he said.该基金会管理的捐款没有用于支付Wikileaks伊拉克视频的编辑和制作成本,他说。

2.That's a tall order for a short bit of copy, but it's a skill anyone writing or editing for the Web should try to master.这个要求有些难度,但却是每一个网站编辑应该掌握的技能。

3.Be careful, though, because editing another system's registry can be as dangerous as (if not more dangerous than) editing your own.但是仍要小心,因为编辑另一个系统的注册表会与编辑您自己的注册表一样危险(如果不比编辑您自己的更危险的话)。

4.He said he became frustrated with Wikipedia's failure to build expertise into its editing process and left after its first year.他表示,他对“维基百科”不能在编辑过程中引入专业知识感到失望,于是在一年后就离开了“维基百科”。

5.Gets a reference to the TableItemStyle object that enables you to set the appearance of the row selected for editing in a GridView control.获取对TableItemStyle对象的引用,使用该对象可以设置GridView控件中为进行编辑而选中的行的外观。

6.He was in the editing phase of his latest movie, "The Next Three Days, " a thriller starring Russell Crowe, in an office in SoHo.他的新电影《未来三天》是由罗素·克劳主演的惊悚片,目前正在剪辑阶段,所以他在家办公。

7.This area of the field can only be taken out on the screen for editing, Word cannot be deposited into the area.这个地区的字模只能掏不入,在屏幕上举行编纂,造的字不克不及存入该区。

8.Generally, editing configuration settings is not recommended unless you are trying to solve a specific problem.除非试图解决的是特定问题,通常建议您不要编辑配置设置。

9.As you proceed, remember that Access does not enable these controls until you enable rich text editing for a Memo field.执行操作时,请记住,在您为“备注”字段启用格式文本编辑之前,Access不会启动这些控件。

10.Editing test questions and typesetting examination papers is always an arduous work, which is tedious and easy to make mistake.编写试题、排版试卷一直以来都是一项繁重的工作。