


美式发音: [ˈɛdmənd] 英式发音: [ˈedmənd]





1.埃德蒙 Edgar 埃德加 英国 快乐的战士 Edmund 埃德蒙 英国 有钱的保护者 Epjah 易莱哲 希伯来 耶和华就是上帝 ...

2.艾德蒙 Edison 爱 迪 生 Edmund 艾 德 蒙 3、 字 母 Caleb 迦 勒 ...

3.爱德蒙 Douglas 男名,道格拉斯\ Edmund 男名,埃德蒙德\ Eric 男名,艾里克\ ...

5.埃得蒙德 The White Witch 白发发巫 Edmund 埃得蒙德 The Danger of Gluttony 贪吃的危 …

6.艾德蒙德 ... Don't... 不是... Edmund. 埃蒙德 Aslan. 阿斯兰 ...

8.富有的守护者 DOUGLAS 从深水而来的 EDMUND 富有的守护者 EDWARD 幸福的守护者 ...


1.A fortnight later, when Edmund had not returned, the king's second son eagerly set out for the Enchanted Wood.两星期过去了,埃德蒙还没有回来,国王的二儿子迫不及待地出发前往迷失之林。

2.A week was gone since Edmund might be supposed in town, and Fanny had heard nothing of him.从估计埃德蒙已到伦敦的那天起,一个星期已经过去了,而范妮还没听到他的消息。

3.Edmund crept up to the arch and looked inside into the courtyard, and there he saw a sight that nearly made his heart stop beating.爱德蒙蹑手蹑脚走进拱门,朝院子里张望,看见的那副情景差点使他的心都停止跳动了。

4.Edmund's first object the next morning was to see his father alone and give him a fair statement of the whole acting scheme.埃德蒙第二天早晨的第一件事就是去和父亲单独谈话,清清楚楚地把整个演剧计划告诉他。

5.Soon Edmund could think only about "trying to shovel down as much Turkish Depght as he could, and the more he ate the more he wanted. "要不了多久,爱德蒙满脑子里就只剩下「嘴里塞满土耳其软糖」的念头,而且他愈吃愈想吃。

6.Tom walked out of the room as he said it, and Edmund was left to sit down and stir the fire in thoughtful vexation.汤姆没等他说完就走出屋去,埃德蒙只好坐下来,忧心忡忡地拨动炉火。

7.it had been about the same hour that she had returned from the Parsonage, and found Edmund in the East room.昨天大约就是这个时候,她从牧师府上回来,发现埃德蒙就在东屋。

8.How she had looked before, Fanny could not recollect, for she had been dancing with Edmund herself, and had not thought about her.朱莉娅先前脸上是个什么表情,范妮也没有印象,因为她当时在和埃德蒙跳舞,对她不曾留意。

9.Starting and looking up, she saw, across the lobby she had just reached, Edmund himself, standing at the head of a different staircase.她吃了一惊,抬头望去,只见在她刚刚到达的门厅的对面,在另一道楼梯的顶端,站着的正是埃德蒙。

10.And this is not the only tree, " said Edmund with his mouth full of apple. " Look there-and there.还不止一棵呢。“爱德蒙嘴里塞满了苹果,吐字含糊不清。”看那儿,还有那儿。