




1.圣路易 ... 法国巴黎( Paris) 美国圣路易斯( Saint-Louis) 英国伦敦( London) ...

4.圣路易教堂覆就写在一张豪华张背面。之后再一次寄东西去要求盖戳也成功收到, 而且盖到我最想到的地方 - 圣路易港(Saint-Louis)的邮 …

8.关於圣路易  关於圣路易(Saint-Louis)  圣路易艺坊建於1586年。


1.Just a short drive east of Saint Louis, and across the Mississippi into Ilpnois, is America's first city.从圣路易斯驾车往东不远,越过密西西比河进入伊利诺伊州,就到了美国的第一座城市。

2.The Saint-Bernard courtyard was no longer absolutely isolated from the Charlemagne and the Saint-Louis courts.圣贝尔纳院和查理大帝院以及圣路易院之间已不是绝对隔离的了。

3.At that time Saint Louis was one of the last cities or towns you would find if you were travepng west.那时圣路易斯是西进旅途上能发现的最后的城镇之一。

4.They will be watching to see if the AFC New England Patriots or the NFC Saint Louis Rams become the champions of American football.他们想知道来自美国橄榄球协会的新英格兰队和国家橄榄协会的圣路易斯队,谁将成为超级杯赛的冠军。

5.An old man, decorated with the cross of Saint Louis, now rose and proposed the health of King Louis XVIII.一个佩戴着圣路易十字勋章的老人站了起来,他提议为国王路易十八的健康干杯。

6.The furloughs Saint Louis Mayor Francis Slay instituted two years ago affected all city employees, including him.于2年前设立暂时解雇的圣路易斯市长弗朗西斯•斯雷对全市职工产生了影响,这其中当然也包括他本人。

7.The pastor of a suburban Saint Louis church died after a gunman opened fire in the middle of a Sunday service.在一个郊区的圣路易教堂里,一位牧师在做周日布道时被一个持枪歹徒开枪击毙了。

8.Law professor Joel Goldstein at Saint Louis University in Missouri is an expert on the vice presidency.密苏尔圣德。路易斯大学的法学教授乔尔哥尔德斯登是一位研究副总统职位的专家。

9.arises in Montana and flows southeastward to become a tributary of the Mississippi at Saint Louis.发源于蒙大纳州,流向东南,在圣路易成为密西西比河的一条支流。

10.Jack Strauss at Saint Louis University in Missouri says recent recoveries have been slow to create jobs.密苏里州圣路易斯大学的JackStrauss称,近期的回暖已经在慢慢制造就业机会。