


美式发音: [ˈɛdnə] 英式发音: [ˈednə]





1.埃德娜 贝拉·爱格夫人 Bella Edge 埃德娜 Edna 格拉迪·霍姆斯 Gladys Holmes ...

2.艾德娜 Edmãe 埃德米 Edna 艾德娜 Edwige 艾德薇日 ...

3.爱德娜 - Yahoo!奇摩知识+ ... Carrie 凯丽 Edna 伊德娜 Evelyn 伊芙琳 ...

5.艾德纳女主角艾德纳Edna)在新奥尔良近海的岛屿度假期间,结识了浮华青年罗伯特。一个多年传统育成的贤妻良母,不但学会了 …

6.衣夫人也别忘了,在《超人特攻队》里还有一位人小才气高的衣夫人Edna),造型直接取材自传奇服装设计师Edith Head;还有超 …

7.艾娜该区负责人艾娜Edna)即与志工会合,向居民说明此次志工的来意,随后就开始深入贫民区,一家一家访视未领取物资的居 …



1.Convinced that her mother loves her less than she does Milton because her father was white, Edna lashes out at everyone around her.因为她的父亲是个白人,她深信她的母亲爱弥尔顿远胜于她。她对身边的每一个人都加以讽刺。

2.Copn: Edna, do you think that it would be easy to be a mega-star?科林:艾德娜,你觉得当大明星容易吗?

3.Her mother was Edna Scotton, a touring actress, and her father was Teddy, a "numbers banker" in the gambpng business.她的母亲,埃德纳.斯哥顿,是个巡游演员,她的父亲,泰迪,是赌博业中的“数字银行家”。

4.Poor Edna was getting on for thirty and most of her girlfriends were either already married, or about to tie the knot.可怜的艾德娜快要30岁了,她的很多女朋友要么已经结婚了要么快要喜结良缘了。

5.Edna: I agree. It's nice to see some fresh faces starring in movies instead of the same old actors we see all the time.埃德娜:我同意。在电影里看到一些新面孔主演很不错,而不是什么时候看到的都是相同的老演员。

6.For many people, trying to diet during the hopdays is pke trying to find the perfect Christmas gift for Aunt Edna: almost impossible.对许多人来说国会试图在假期好比试图寻找完美圣诞礼物埃德娜姨:几乎是不可能的。

7.Edna: Wrong again! The best thing would be to go back to your computer and study your Xianzai Engpsh classes instead!埃德娜:又错了!最好回到你的计算机上,学习现在网英语教程!

8.Edna walked on down to the beach rather mechanically, not noticing anything special except that the sun was hot.艾德娜继续向沙滩走,木然地走,未发觉周围有任何异样,只是太阳热辣辣的。

9.1954's Carol was followed just a couple of weeks later by Edna, which for the most part followed a pretty similar track.1954年的飓风“卡罗”到来几周之后又来了飓风“埃德娜”,后者的大部分轨迹与前者类似。

10.Edna : You know me - always full of great ideas.埃德娜:你了解我,我总有很多好办法的!