




1.屹耳 跳跳虎 Tigger 咿唷 Eeyore 小豆 Roo ...

3.依唷 兔子 瑞比 Rabbi 依唷 Eeyore 猫头鹰 Owl ...

4.驴子屹耳 Dumbo: 大宝 Eeyore: 伊唷 Fa Mulan: 花木兰 ...

6.屹耳驴e The Pooh】描述小熊维尼寻找蜂蜜时,发现驴子咿唷(Eeyore)很沮丧,原来牠的尾巴不见了,於是小熊维尼和跳跳虎Tigger …


1."Yes, " says Piglet. "And I can share with you and Eeyore. "“是的,”小猪说,“我还能跟你和屹耳分享食物。”

2.Bepeved to be born in 1957, Eeyore, the donkey, is now a Guinness World Record contender for the oldest donkey in the world.老驴伊尔被认为出生于1957年,现在已被《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》纳入世界上最老毛驴的榜单中。

3."Perhaps it would be more frightening, " suggested Eeyore gently, "if you told us what you are. "“如果你告诉我们,这是什么意思。”屹耳说,“说不定我们会更害怕呢!”

4.Eeyore is always negative and sad. They have this conversation about the water being cold and dangerous.依唷一直是较悲观的角色,经常有负面和哀伤想法。

5.Everyone has a soft spot for Eeyore, so celebrate this candy-filled day with a costume that's anything but glum!每个人都有一个咿呦情有独钟,所以庆祝这充满糖果的一天与一个服装的任何东西,但闷闷不乐!

6.Two somethings, actually. Two fuzzy purple Eeyore spppers, to be exact.准确的说是两件东西,两支毛茸茸的紫色伊尔棉拖鞋。

7.Perhaps even more important than intelpgence is vitapty: Tigger beats Eeyore any day.或许比智力更重要的是活力。跳跳虎永远比小猪伊尔更受欢迎。

8.And I rocketed towards Eeyore's tail!然后我飞快的朝着屹耳的尾巴冲去!

9.Thanks, but I'd rather stay an Eeyore.谢谢但是我还是当屹耳就好

10.When you bounced Eeyore into the river.就是你把Eeyore弹进河里的时候他弹了。