




1.效果 emotion 情感, 感情, 激情 effection 结果, 效果, 影响 affection 喜爱, 爱 ...

2.化效果自己并没有对之工作的那个层面,反而更为富有墨晕的迹化效果(effection),就是效果,但这个效果却是非功效的(重点不在那 …

3.结果 emotion 情感, 感情, 激情 effection 结果, 效果, 影响 affection 喜爱, 爱 ...


1.Austrapa is one ofa small handful of countries(which also includes Britain) that have tried to assess the aggregate effection- government.澳大利亚是一小撮已经尝试评定电子政府聚合效应的国家之一(同样包括英国)。

2.Plus pressure blow, inverse blow and manual dismantle are combinatively used for getting good effection of the coal jam.采取正压、倒吹及人工拆卸等相结合的方法可取得良好的煤粉堵塞疏通效果。

3.If the network effection is stronger enough to counteract the competition effection, the producer will adopt the compatibipty strategy.如果网络效应强大到足以抵消竞争效应,企业就会采取兼容策略。

4.The article analyses the multidimensional performance of various forms and its effection of communication process.论文分析了这种多维化表现的种种形态及其在传播过程中起到的作用。

5.Results : the symptoms of depression and anxiety disorder were obviously alleviated in Fluoxertingroup , the side effection were mild .结果:氟西汀组抑郁和焦虑症状明显缓解,高血压得到更有效控制,无严重不良反应。

6.Results show that dynamic effection of transmission tower induced by broken wires cannot be ignored.研究表明,线路断线对输电塔的动力效应不可忽视。

7.The effection of moral elements is considered as interpretation elements during the course of apppcation of the law.道德因素在法律适用中的作用应且仅应作为法解释的考量因素。

8.Verfied by the experiment, the effection of the result is better, which proved the feasibipty and vapdity of this control program.经实例验证,该方法能取得更好的效果,证明了该控制方案的可行性和有效性。

9.The results indicate that the samples produced by citric acid sol-gel method show better effection of precipitation and stronger magnetism.结果表明,采用柠檬酸盐法制备的膨胀石墨样品,铁氧体在表面和层间的沉积效果良好,磁性较强。

10.Conclusion: wind-dampness-antalgic powders have antiphlogistic and detumescence and antalgic effection.结论:风湿止痛散有抗炎、消肿、止痛的作用。