


美式发音: [ˈeɡˌhed] 英式发音: ['eɡ.hed]



复数:eggheads  同义词




1.学究a person who is very intelpgent and is only interested in studying


n.1.someone who has a lot of knowledge and intelpgence and is only interested in academic subjects

1.书呆子 egg money 私房钱 egghead 书呆子 either make or break 不成功,便成人 ...

2.理论家 ... fuzzy-brained a. 头脑不清的 egghead n. 有知识者, 受过高等教育的人, 理论家 minority n. 少数(民族) ; 少 …

3.知识分子 Head over heels 彻底地 Egghead 知识分子 HAIR 头发 ...

4.蛋头 ... fuzzy-brained a. 头脑不清的 egghead n. 有知识者, 受过高等教育的人, 理论家 minority n. 少数(民族) ; 少 …

6.对知识分子的蔑称 Moon roof 汽车的顶窗 Egghead 对知识分子的蔑称 Dog days 七八月份的酷暑期,伏天 ...

7.只会读书的书呆子 人渣 scum 只会读书的书呆子 egghead 恶泼妇 bitch ...

8.有知识者 egger 食叶蛾 egghead 有知识者 eggheaded 书呆子的 ...


1.I have to tell you that since he went off to college, Bill has turned into a real egghead.我得告诉你,比尔自从上大学后,他就变成了一个十足的书呆子。

2.While this may just be another one of those egghead academic phenomena, other recent studies from the business world lend some support.也许这只是另一个令人咋舌的书呆子学术现象,其他的一些商业领域的研究也对该结果投了赞成票。

3.I have to tell you that since he went to college, Bill has turned into a real egghead.我得告诉你,比尔上了大学后,他真是变成了一个书生气十足的人。

4.Because, his since opens source egghead, ideologist, also be a doer opening a source (and outstanding achievement is outstanding) .因为,他既是一位开源理论家、思想家,也是一位开源实干家(而且业绩非凡)。

5.The opposite of an airhead is an egghead. An egghead is a very studious and intellectual person.Airhead的反义词是egghead,指学识渊博的人,但有时在句子里不一定表示褒奖。

6.not Broom's bohemian egghead air guitarist, but another kind of vernacular, another kind of celebration and another kind of music.不是《笤帚》封底画的那种弹奏空气吉他的波希米亚知识分子,而是另一种,一种大白话,一种庆祝,一种音乐。

7.Egghead Lloyd didn't make very good grades in school, but his sister was a real egghead.Lloyd学校的成绩不是很理想,可他姐姐却聪明过人。

8.Jack didn't make very good grades in school, but his sister was a real egghead.杰克在学校里成绩平平,但他的姐姐很有学问。

9.I have to tell you that since he went off to school, Bill has turned into a real egghead.我得告诉你,比尔上了学后,他真的变成了一个书生气十足的人。

10.He studies all weekend. He's such an egghead.他整个周末都在念书.他是如此的一个书呆子。