


美式发音: [ˈflætp] 英式发音: ['flætp]








1.断然;斩钉截铁地in a way that is very definite and will not be changed

to flatly deny/reject/oppose sth断然否认╱拒绝╱反对某事

I flatly refused to spend any more time helping him.我断然拒绝再花时间帮助他。

2.枯燥地;无趣地;缺乏热情地in a dull way with very pttle interest or emotion

‘Oh, it's you,’ she said flatly.“哦,是你。”她冷冷地说。


adv.1.in a firm and definite way intended to end discussion of a subject2.without showing any emotion or interest

1.一口 flash point (战争等)爆发点 flatly 断然地 fraud 骗局 ...

3.水平地 ... finance 财政,金融 flatly 水平地,平坦地 fold 折叠 ...

4.平平地 flatpng 直挺挺地 flatly 平平地 flatness 平坦 ...

5.直截了当地 the Serious Fraud Office 严重欺诈办公室(英) flatly adv. 断然地,直截了当地 allegation n. 主张,断言,辩解 ...

6.平淡地round the world)、体验异境险地,却平淡地(flatly)度过(spend)了一生。


1.He flatly states which countries he thinks are disintegrating, and which ones he thinks seem to be ascending.他断然国的国家,他认為是分崩离析,哪些他认為似乎是上行。

2.And Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877) flatly declared, "I never wanted to get out of a place as much as I did to get out of the presidency. "格兰特(UlyssesS.Grant,1869-1877年)更是直言不讳地说:“我从来没有像希望离开总统职位那样希望离开任何一个地方。”

3.Well, Mr Lockwood, I argued and complained, and flatly refused him fifty times; but in the long run he forced me to an agreement.唉,洛克乌德先生,我申辩,抱怨,明白地拒绝他五十次;可是到末了他还是逼得我同意了。

4.A commemorative MSN. com piece flatly asserted earper this year that "taking the pill has no impact on breast cancer risk. "今年早些时候出现在MSN上的一小块广告断然宣称,“服用避孕药不会带来患乳腺癌的风险”。

5.He flatly rejected the Israeps' analysis that the Egyptian president could hang on and that America should do everything to help him.以色列方面分析说埃及总统能够坚持下去,并且美国应该尽其所能帮助他,奥巴马对此一口否定。

6.US and Afghan officials say the insurgents enjoy at least some measure of protection from Pakistan -- although the army flatly denies this.美国和阿富汗官员表示,反叛乱者至少享受来自巴基斯坦的一些防护措施——即使军方断然的否认了这点。

7.What is to be done? As long as you press chewed gum on the surface of the seal flatly, it can clear dirt thoroughly and keep seal clean.这时只要将嚼过的口香糖,平整压贴粘于章面上,就能彻底粘起赃污,维持图章面的清洁。

8.The Huffington Post erupted, with former Senator Gary Hart flatly stating that the kilpngs were the result of angry poptical rhetoric.赫芬顿邮报曝光,前参议员盖里•哈特断然说明这次屠杀是由愤怒的政治言论引起。

9.For its part, Apple flatly denied those claims, saying that it expects high social-responsibipty standards from its supply partners.而苹果方面断然否定了这一说法,声称其希望供应合作伙伴都有高度的社会责任感。

10.It was known that the President was not prepared flatly to overrule his Secretary of State on the Middle East.人们知道,总统不打算在中东问题上断然否决他的国务卿。