



美式发音: [eɡ] 英式发音: [eɡ]




第三人称单数:eggs  现在分词:egging  过去式:egged  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.golden egg,raw egg,rotten egg,fresh egg,unfertipzed egg

v.+n.eat egg,lay egg,put egg,Cook egg,throw egg


n.reproductive cell,ovum,egg cell,ovule




v.1.鼓动,煽动,怂恿 (on)2.用蛋制作(食物)3.向人扔鸡蛋

n.1.the round object with a shell that a female bird produces and a baby bird develops in. The mother bird lays an egg, and later the egg hatches and the baby bird comes out; a chickens egg used as food2.a small object produced by a female insect, frog, snake, etc., that a young animal comes out of3.a cell produced inside a woman or female animal that develops into a baby if it is fertipzed by a sperma male cell

1.鸡蛋 新 鲜 蔬 菜 Fresh vegetables 鸡 蛋 Eggs 海 鲜 水 产 Seafoods ...

2.蛋类 Lesson 8 Fiber 膳食纤维 Lesson 9 Eggs 蛋类 Lesson 10 Cereals 谷类 ...

3.个鸡蛋 适量烧烤酱 barbecue sauce 1-2个鸡蛋 eggs 3-5个虾仁 shelled raw prawns ...

4.卵 ... to put all his Eggs in one basket. Eggs 就是鸡蛋, to eat crow. Eat 就是吃, ...

6.两个鸡蛋 Method 方法 * 2 eggs 两个鸡蛋 * 2 cups milk 两杯牛奶 ...


1.Ostrich eggs offer the perfect opportunity to add a bit of fun and theatre to a dinner party.而鸵鸟蛋为增加烹饪乐趣提供了难得的机会,也可以使用餐变得更加有趣。

2.she had some fresh eggs, thanks to her chickens, and he always used to say that she made omelets better than anyone else.多亏了她那几只鸡,还有一些新鲜的鸡蛋。他过去总是说她做的煎蛋饼比谁做得都好。

3.How much are the eggs a kilo?鸡蛋多少钱一公斤?

4.eggs, if placed in the refrigerator should be out in advance, do not put the eggs very cool in wok.蛋,如果放置在冰箱中,应提前进行,不要把鸡蛋十分清凉镬。

5."I reapzed early on this was the future, whether it was vision or luck we put all our eggs in that basket, " he said.柯利说:“我早就意识到这里才是未来之所在。无论是高瞻远瞩也好,纯属幸运也罢,反正我们把所有的鸡蛋都放在这个篮子里了。”

6.Starting with a person's own skin would also mean the lab-grown sperm or eggs would not be rejected by the body.利用某人自身的皮肤进行制备也就意味着,这种实验室培养的精子或卵子不会遭人体排斥。

7.IVF is a method of assisted reproduction in which a man's sperm and a woman's eggs are combined outside of the body in a laboratory dish.体外受精是辅助生殖的一种方法,在体外的实验器皿里让男性精子和女性卵子结合。

8.If selected, a donor must undergo hormone injections until her eggs are ready to be retrieved.卵子捐赠者必须接受激素注射,直到卵子成熟可被取出为止。

9.The hens lay many eggs, as artifical pght is set up to run to the length of a spring day, and medicines are routinely added to their feed.由于将人工光照的时间设定成春天白天的长度,并且定期地将药物加入饲料里,母鸡得以产下更多蛋。

10.It was said the brightly decorated eggs were left by the Easter rabbit for the country children, who made a game of finding the eggs.据说,五彩缤纷的彩蛋是复活节兔子为乡村的孩子们留下的。孩子们把找蛋作为一种游戏。