








1.At the eHarmony relationship lab, I got to watch a couple undergo a one-year-anniversary session. They were not an eHarmony couple.在“e和谐”关系实验室,我看到了一对伴侣所经受的“一周年纪念”。

2.If the company behind one of the largest dating sites on the web is using that, just imagine what smaller shops might be pmping along with.作为世界上最大的约会网站之一,eHarmony却在用着这样的内网,可以想象那些小机构会有多么困难了。

3.eHarmony has not travelled as well, in part, because its research is so geared to the American marriage experience.eHarmony没有涉足国外,部分原因是其研究与美国人的婚姻经历高度相关。

4.It may take a day or two to receive your first Eharmony connections. Expect to receive about 3 to 5 new connections each day.接待一个业者电子和谐客户可能会花一到两天时间,除了每天接待3到5个新的客户外。

5.Therefore, giving the questions that they ask you too much thought might not give Eharmony a real honest picture of who you really are.因此,如果对于所给出的问题你提出太多疑惑的话,可能会使业者电子和谐不能很好的了解你真正是谁。

6.The woman who had done it said, "don't do eHarmony; I've had nothing but bad experiences on there. "那个已经尝试过的女人说,“不要去eHarmony网站,在那里我遇到的都是不好的经历。”

7.A recent eHarmony study found that a sense of humor is the number one "Must Have" that both men and women are looking for in a partner.在线交友网站“电子和谐”最新的一项调查发现,人们在找对象时第一要求就是对方必须有幽默感。

8.The monthly fee for the American version of eHarmony is between $19. 95 and $59. 95, depending on the length of a subscription.美版eHarmony每月收费在19.95到59.59美元之间,取决于订阅时间长短。

9.If, for example, you do Match. com or eHarmony, she recommends posting at least one photo of you and your dog.比如在Match网址被屏蔽或eHarmony上,她建议你贴出至少一张你和狗狗在一起的照片。

10.Greg Waldorf, of US site Eharmony, is cautious about making long-term predictions but he hopes the downturn may be good for business.美国网站Eharmony的沃尔多夫•格雷格(GregWaldorf)对长期预测保持谨慎,但他预计,经济衰退可能有利于业务。