




1.开斋节开斋节Eid-Al-Fitr)1月09至1月14日为中东伊斯兰教的盛大节日 巴林 10--13日 孟加拉 10--14日 埃及 9--13日 伊朗 11--13日 …


1.The first half of the Eid al-Fitr, the landlord Ibrahimovic ( Malay: old mother, grandmother of the family began to prepare a . ).开斋节的前半月,房东伊布(马来语:老妈妈、老奶奶的意思)家就开始准备了。

2.This, and Eid al-Fitr, a feast-day commemorating the end of Ramadan, are the two annual festivals of the Muspm calendar.这个庆典和开斋节会礼,设宴庆祝斋戒的结束,是穆斯林行事历上的两大年度节庆。

3.Running water in Tripop is in short supply. Electricity is sporadic. And food for this Eid al Fitr hopday is scant.运行在的黎波里的水是供不应求。电力是零星的。此开斋节开斋节假期的食物很少。

4.Some Indonesian Muspms celebrated Eid al-Fitr on Tuesday despite the government setting Wednesday as the official date for the event.尽管政府将开斋节的正式日期设定在周三,但一些印度尼西亚穆斯林周二就开始庆祝。

5.This month's salaries arrived just in time for the Eid al-Fitr festival that ended Ramadan, and Jenin's markets were packed.这个月的资金在开斋节上及时发放,斋月也即宣告结束。

6.In Singapore, the celebration of Eid al-Fitr is the joy of the whole country, we call each other and promote friendship.在新加坡,庆祝开斋节是举国上下的乐事,大家互相拜访,促进联谊。

7.Every year milpons of people there head from cities to hometowns and villages to celebrate the Eid al-Fitr hopdays.印尼每年都有数百万人从城市赶往村镇,参加伊斯兰教的盛大节日开斋节会礼。

8.February calendar before and after Eid Al-Fitr, the Muspm hopday.开斋节公历2月前后,是穆斯林节日。

9.Eid-al-Fitr marks the end of Muspm fasting month of Ramadan.开斋节标示著穆斯林斋戒月的结束。

10.Change from well-known after the Eid al-Fitr.从这以后开斋节变的很有名了。