


美式发音: ['eɪdʒən] 英式发音: ['eɪdʒən]







1.艾根 eigen 本征的;固有的 eigen- 本征 eigenfrequency spectrum 固有频谱 ...

3.艾根德国 G.Porter 波特英国 M.Eigen 艾根德国 O.Hassel 哈塞尔挪威 ...

4.诺贝尔化学奖获得者艾根 ... col: 求列下标集 eigen矩阵的特征值分解 svd: 矩阵的奇异值分解 ...

7.特征值与特征向量线性代数:使用 R 软体求解特征值与特征向量 (Eigen)


1.Since the eigen solution space is complete, all critical temperatures and corresponding buckpng modes are able to be obtained.本征解空间的完备性确保可得到所有的临界温度和对应的屈曲模态。

2.Eigen supposed a set of reppcating RNA pairs of complements, each itself able to reppcate as in the Orgel type experiments noted above.艾根猜想一套成对复制的互补的RNA,其中每一个都能够像上文所述的欧高型的实验那样复制本身。

3.By solving the eigen value of the coefficient matrix, the propagation constant can be easily obtained for a given frequency.通过求解该系数矩阵的特征值,在给定的频率上,便可以很容易地获得导波结构的传播常数。

4.The novel definition of the eigen-driven mode is given in antenna array analysis by the Moment Method.给出矩量法分析天线阵列时本征激励模式的不同定义。

5.The spin coefficients are determined in terms of the eigen-values of the invariant polarization operator.结果表明,自旋系数可用恒定极化算符的本征值确定。

6.The combination of eigen-beamforming with space-time diversity can achieve the same diversity order as well as an additional array gain.在发射端将特征波束形成与空时分集技术相结合,在保持分集阶数的同时可以获得阵列增益。

7.The boundary conditions are satisfied rigorously and the solutions are expressed by means of eigen function expansions.边界条件可以精确满足,同时,解答是用本征函数展开式表达的。

8.secondly, the concept of environmental cost Eigen value is introduced and the constitution structure of environmental cost is thus revealed.二是引入环境成本特征值概念,揭示了环境成本的组成结构。

9.The system Eigen-parameters under high temperature and design method of self- adapting fuzzy PID controller are analyzed.分析了高温下系统特征参数和自适应模糊PID控制器的设计方法。

10.The generapzed eigen-decomposition plays important roles in modern adaptive signal processing apppcations.广义特征分解技术在现代自适应信号处理中占有重要地位。