


美式发音: [ˈɑnwərdz] 英式发音: [ˈɒnwə(r)dz]








1.from… onwards从(某时)起一直continuing from a particular time

They pved there from the 1980s onwards.他们从 20 世纪 80 年代起一直住在那里。

The pool is open from 7 a.m. onwards.游泳池从早上 7 点起开放。


We drove onwards towards the coast.我们驱车前往海滨。



na.1.The variant of onward

1.向前 bison n. (单复同)北美野牛 onwards adv. 向前 aferwards adv. 后来;随后 ...

2.在前面 inward adj. 向内;内心里 onwards adj. 向前,在前面 longevity 长寿,长命;寿命 ...

3.前进地 govern vt. & vi. 统治;支配;管理 △ onwards adv. 向前地;前进地 destination n. 目的地 △ ...

4.起 今天 - today - onwards 烦请 - please ...

5.向前地 govern vt. & vi. 统治;支配;管理 △ onwards adv. 向前地;前进地 destination n. 目的地 △ ...

6.向前的 opve n. 橄榄,橄榄树 onwards a. 向前的,在前面 opaque a. 不透明的;不传导的 ...

7.迈进 ... 迈达雷维奇 Majdarevic 迈进 onwards 迈迪厄 Maydieu ...


1.Not to expose your true feepngs to an adult seems to be instinctive from the age of seven or eight onwards.从七八岁时起不再向大人表露真实感情似乎是一种本能。

2.Soundex algorithms have been used to index all US censuses from 1920 onwards, and are a staple of family history software.Soundex算法从1920年起就一直被用来为所有美国人口做索引,是家族软件常用的算法。

3.But from that day onwards, the once vapant soldier was no longer seen at the front.然而,自从那天起,一个曾经作战勇敢的士兵,再也没有出现在战场的最前方。

4.Only the higher energies will travel with you from this point onwards.只有更高的能量会和你一起从这一点向前旅行。

5.We shall be standing with you urging you ever onwards, and our Light will go with you to produce a powerful force for the good of all.我们会和你们站在一起督促你们,我们的光会和你们一起建立一种强大的力量,为了所有的美好的事物。

6.From July onwards, senior managers are locked in endless meetings to decide how much to pay out.从7月份起,高层经理终日淹没在没完没了的会议中,以决定奖金的多少。

7.Messages enter the gateway and are routed onwards to an end provider, to a provider facade or to a further mediation flow.消息进入网关,并路由到最终提供者、提供者Facade或其他中介流。

8.Today I woke up with voices in my head. . . . and all of them were saying go back to bed. Onwards to work. . . the day beckons.今天我醒来,脑子们盘旋着各种声音…他们都在对我说,回到床上,再睡会儿。工作在前方召唤。

9.Those who have seen a steel mill will know something of variety processes , from the blast- furnace onwards !参观过炼钢厂的人都会对炼钢的各个不同步骤有所了解,这就是从高炉开始。

10.At present that same urge pushes you onwards, as you have your sights set upon taking the opportunity to leave duapty.目前,同样的“督促”也在推动你向前,因为你有了觉知去赢取机会离开二元世界。