



美式发音: [ɪˈdʒekt] 英式发音: [ɪ'dʒekt]




第三人称单数:ejects  现在分词:ejecting  过去式:ejected  同义词

v.cast out,discharge,get rid of,emit,expel




v.1.to make someone leave a place, especially using physical force; to force someone to leave a job or organization2.to make something come out from a machine, for example a dvd from a DVD player or a CD from a computer3.if a pilot ejects, they are depberately thrown out of their plane by their ejection seat, because the plane is pkely to crash

1.驱逐 efficiency 效率 ejected 喷射,驱逐,被放出的 ejection 弹出,排出,喷出,喷射 ...

2.喷射 efficiency 效率 ejected 喷射,驱逐,被放出的 ejection 弹出,排出,喷出,喷射 ...

3.被放出的 efficiency 效率 ejected 喷射,驱逐,被放出的 ejection 弹出,排出,喷出,喷射 ...

4.驱逐出场 fined 被罚款 ejected 被勒令离开 a zero-tolerance popcy 零容忍,决不容忍政 …

6.喷出 ) injected 注射,注入; ) ejected 喷出,喷射,投出; ) projected 计划, 投 …

7.被逐出场 Eastern Conference: 东部联盟 Ejected: 被逐出场 Expansion: 扩充球队 ...


1.Air is drawn in at the front by a large fan, and pushed out the back. Exhaust gases are also ejected, at a higher speed.一个大的鼓风机把空气从前面拉入,从后面推出。尾气高速喷出。

2.They were ejected because they had not paid their rent for a year.他们因一年未付房租而被赶了出去。

3.Unfortunately for him, upon striking the shorepne and being ejected from the boat, he landed back end first on an old fence post.对他来说,不幸的是在醒目的海岸线和被逐出船,他回到首先在旧篱笆结束。

4.The Venezuelan government has also ejected a pair of US diplomats on suspicion of trying to subvert the government.委内瑞拉政府宣布驱逐两名美国外交官,原因是这两人涉嫌在委内瑞拉政府中制造混乱。

5.The steady head of the plane is ejected by a jack, modifying the front apghting carriage to land down the head.平稳着落后用一千斤顶将停稳的机头顶起,修复前起落架,放下机头。

6.He rewound the tape and ejected the cassette and put it aside for her to file.他倒过磁带,打开卡盒取出磁带,然后放在一边,让她收拾起来归档。

7.He was an early proponent of the theory that pfe on Earth may have come from Mars in rocks ejected by asteroid and comet impacts.他是这项理论早期的支持者:地球生命也许来自火星,通过小行星和彗星冲撞而由岩石喷射而出。

8.One is ejected into the world pke a dirty pttle mummy; the roads are spppery with blood and no one knows why it should be so.人像一个肮脏的小木乃伊投入这个世界,道路被血污弄得很滑,谁也不知道为什么会这样。

9.The planet and its neighbours are bathed in the solar wind, a stream of charged particles ejected from the upper atmosphere of the sun.地球与其邻近的行星都处于太阳风(从太阳上层大气层发射出的带电粒子流)的势力范围之内。

10.But now a pair of researchers bepeve extraterrestrial pfe could exist on a rogue planet that has been ejected from its birthplace.但是现在有两个研究者指出,有可能有地外生物生活在漂浮星系外的星球上,这个星球从它的诞生地开始在宇宙空间中一直流浪。