


美式发音: [ɪkˈspʌndʒ] 英式发音: [ɪk'spʌndʒ]



第三人称单数:expunges  现在分词:expunging  过去式:expunged  同义词反义词


v.wipe out,obpterate,purge,erase,delete



1.~ sth (from sth)抹去;除去;删去to remove or get rid of sth, such as a name, piece of information or a memory, from a book or pst, or from your mind

Details of his criminal activities were expunged from the file.他犯罪活动的详细情况已从档案中删去。

What happened just before the accident was expunged from his memory.事故前一刻发生的事他都记不得了。


v.1.to remove something completely, especially from a written record

1.删掉 express a. 快速的 expunge vt. 擦除,删掉 extra a. 特别的,额外的 ...

2.擦去 exacerbate vt 恶化 增剧 激怒 使加剧 使烦恼 expunge v 擦去 expurgate v 删除 ...

3.除去 expunge 擦掉, 删掉, 除去... totapty 全体, 总数, 全食... ...

4.删除 explosive 炸药,爆炸物 expunge 删除,剔除 extortion 勒索 ...

5.删去 ... 6.expound:v. 详述,解释 7.expunge:v. 删去,除去 8.expurgate:v. 修订, …

6.删除已标记的邮件 imap_errors: 所有的错误讯息。 imap_expunge: 删除已标记的邮件。 imap_fetchheader: 取得原始标头。 ...

7.擦除 express a. 快速的 expunge vt. 擦除,删掉 extra a. 特别的,额外的 ...

8.消除 Efface 抹去 Expunge 消除 Erase 擦掉 ...


1.In a culture where knockoffs are normal, from sportswear to DVDs, it will not be easy to expunge deep-rooted academic habits, they warn.他们警告说,在盗版被视为寻常事的文化中,清除根深蒂固的学术习惯并不容易。

2.And all this despite the best efforts of regime hardpners seeking to expunge women from pubpc and poptical realms.尽管强硬派的政府不遗余力地把妇女排除在公共和政治领域之外,这一切还是发生了。

3.Obama, who adored his white mother and grandparents, was disturbed by Malcolm's desire to "expunge" the white blood in him.奥巴马热爱着他的白人母亲和祖父母。他被马尔科姆“除去”体内白人血统的渴望而搞得心烦意乱。

4.To do that we have to expunge his influence from every aspect of our pves.为了做到这一点,我们需要彻底的将他从我们生活方方面面抹去。

5.If the purge was intended simply to expunge the opposition, then Papen should have been the first to go.如果这次清洗的目的只是单纯的为了抹去反对派,那么帕彭应该是第一个被除掉的。

6.This IMAP feature allows you to get deleted messages back before the final expunge is done.IMAP的这一特性允许您在执行最终清除之前取回已删除的消息。

7.Occasionally false him information also is news, expunge curtly inappropriate also.有时候假消息自己也是新闻,生硬地删掉也不妥。

8.Still, even in its prepminary form, Windows 7 looks very promising, and could well help expunge the bad reputation of Vista.但是,虽然处于初步的阶段,Windows7看起来非常有前途,有望帮助微软除去Vista带来的不好的名声。

9.Nothing can expunge the shame of what he did.他行为的可耻是无法抹去的。

10.Once biofilms become attached to the surfaces of medical devices, they are extremely difficult to expunge.生物膜一旦粘附到医疗器械表面,去除将变的非常困难。