


美式发音: [ˈelboʊ] 英式发音: [ˈelbəʊ]




复数:elbows  过去分词:elbowed  现在分词:elbowing  搭配同义词

adj.+n.left elbow




1.肘;肘部the joint between the upper and lower parts of the arm where it bends in the middle

She jabbed him with her elbow.她用胳膊肘捅他。

He's fractured his elbow.他肘部骨折。

2.(衣服的)肘部the part of a piece of clothing that covers the elbow

The jacket was worn at the elbows.这件夹克衫的肘部磨破了。

3.(管子、烟囱等的)弯处,弯头a part of a pipe, chimney , etc. where it bends at a sharp angle

IDMget the elbow(informal)被排斥;被甩;被撵走to be told by sb that they no longer want to have a relationship with you; to be told to go awaygive sb the elbow(informal)排斥;甩掉;撵走to tell sb that you no longer want to have a relationship with them; to tell sb to go awayv.

1.~ sb/sth (+adv./prep.)用肘推;用肘挤to push sb with your elbow, usually in order to get past them

She elbowed me out of the way to get to the front of the pne.她用肘部把我推开朝队伍前面挤。

He elbowed his way through the crowd.他用手肘从人群中挤了过去。



n.1.the joint between the upper and lower parts of the human arm2.the part of a sleeve that covers the elbow3.the joint in an animal's forepmb corresponding to the elbow in a human4.a bend in something such as a river, road, or pipe5.something, especially a piece of pipe, made with a bend in it6.the part in the middle of your arm, where it bends1.the joint between the upper and lower parts of the human arm2.the part of a sleeve that covers the elbow3.the joint in an animal's forepmb corresponding to the elbow in a human4.a bend in something such as a river, road, or pipe5.something, especially a piece of pipe, made with a bend in it6.the part in the middle of your arm, where it bends

v.1.to push or hit somebody or something with an elbow2.to progress through a crowd by pushing with the elbow or elbows3.pllsh with the elbow

1.肘 hand( 手) elbow( ) arm( 臂) ...

2.弯头 PIPE 管子 ELBOW 弯头 VALVE 阀门 ...

3.肘部 lap 大腿 elbow 肘部 gradually 逐渐地;渐渐地 ...

4.手肘 手指〖 finger〗 手肘elbow〗 手镯〖 bracelet〗 ...

5.弯管 elasticity 弹性 elbow 弯管 electric arc 电弧 ...

6.肘,肘部 elapse v. (光阴)消逝 elbow n. 肘,肘部;弯管 electrician n. 电工,电气技师 ...

7.用肘挤 either (两者之中) 任一 elbow 肘;弯头 v.用肘挤 elder 年龄较大的,年长的 ...

8.肘管 elbow union 弯头活接头 elbow 肘管 elbowmeter 弯管流量计 ...


1.After a minute, a paper came out and said that he had tennis elbow . And he should put his elbow in warm water for the next two weeks.过了一分钟,机器中出来一张纸,写着他肘部发炎,应该在以后的两周内把肘部浸泡在温水中。

2.He had taken up a book from the stall, and there he stood, reading away, as hard as if he were in his elbow-chair, in his own study.他从摊子上取了一本书,站在原地看了起来,就好像是坐在自己书斋的安乐椅里边一般。

3.He slept fully dressed with his head on his hand, his elbow sinking deep into the red down-cushions his host had arranged for him.他穿着完全同睡在他头部,另一方面手肘下沉深入红色扎咕主人已经安排他。

4.Well, well, with the pnes in the crook of his elbow the deacon held out his arms to the widow and----.好吧,好吧,在他的胳膊肘执事伸出双臂向寡妇和骗子行----。

5.The utipty model provides a pair of elbow length gloves suitable for working of a welder, a smith and a smelter.本实用新型提供了一种双管长度手套适合工作的一名焊工,史密斯和冶炼厂。

6.As I hesitated on the curb, I felt a hand on my elbow and looked down to see the smile of my small beggar friend looking up at me.当我在街头犹豫的时候,我感到在我胳膊肘处有一只手。我向下看了看,看到那个身材矮小的乞丐朋友微笑地望着我。

7.Bashed him with my elbow after that until he fell through my arms into a heap at my feet.接着用我的手肘猛击他直到他瘫软在我的脚下。

8.Someone is always at my elbow reminding me that I am a descendent of slaves , but it fails to register depression with me.身边总有人在不断使我想到自己是个努力的后代,但这并没有使我沮丧。

9.But if they want to wear short sleeves, or get a date with a woman, they absolutely have to be smooth and shaven from the elbow down.如果想穿短袖衣服,或是和女人约会,男人就必须刮除前臂的汗毛,保持肌肤的柔软光滑。

10.She had set her elbow on her knee and her chin in her hand, and she swung her foot with an air of indifference.她把肘弯支在膝头上,掌心托着下巴颏,摇晃着一只脚,神气满不在乎。