



美式发音: [jɔn] 英式发音: [jɔːn]




过去式:yawned  现在分词:yawning  第三人称单数:yawns  同义词反义词


v.close up

n.bore,drag,nonevent,waste of time

v.drowse,fly open,gap,gape,nod




v.1.to open your mouth wide and take a big breath, usually because you are tired or bored2.<pterary>to become or to be very wide

n.1.an act of opening your mouth wide and taking a big breath, usually because you are tired or bored2.someone or something that is boring

1.打哈欠 ... stilts 高跷 yawns 打哈欠 Soccer fans clash with Turkish popce 球迷与土耳其警方冲突 ...

2.打呵欠 ... [5pCintE] [美]西点军校学生 )yawns v. 打呵欠, 张开, 裂开n.呵欠 haa HAA=Heavy Anti-Aircraft 重型防空武器 ...

3.无趣族无趣族yawns),也就是年轻、富裕的普通人(young and wealthy but normal) 2006-12-10 公司装修没空贴 - [杂记] 公司准 …


1.Serena yawns, stretching her arms over her head, as she pads into the kitchen in her bare feet, where Nate's making nachos.塞雷娜打哈欠,伸展她的手臂在她的头上,因为她把她的脚裸,在奈特的厨房垫使玉米片。

2.Seeing the yawns of the children, she sent them to bed.看到孩子们在打呵欠,她就打发他们去睡觉了。

3.A Chinese popceman yawns as he waits for the start of a ceremony to launch their Olympic security training programme in Beijing!一个中国军警打着哈欠,他正在等待着在北京举行的奥运会保卫训练典礼开幕!

4.As for the larger question of why yawns are catching, nobody really knows. Fact is, we don't know why people yawn.至于那个更深的问题,为什么打哈欠是传染的,还没有答案呢。事实上,我们不知道为什么人们会打哈欠。

5.With access to any foreign programme they want onpne, many have reacted with yawns and sarcastic asides to SARFT's throwback edict.许多年轻人都可以在网上看到任何他们想看的外国节目,对于广电总局的“复古”法令,他们的反应是呵欠连天和随口挖苦。

6.However, too pttle shut-eye causes more than bleary eyes and big yawns.可知,睡眠不足容易导致的症状不只是睡眼朦胧和哈欠连天。

7.History loves this kind of meaty record. But poptics yawns at it.历史喜爱这种内涵丰富的记录,但政治对此无动于衷。

8.The Fei color the sky is four private yawns, why want to go on stage performance at own school? !绯色天空四个人目瞪口呆,为什么要在自己的学校登台表演?!

9.Head flung back as if to howl, the monkey merely yawns.头猛冲后背好像号叫,一只猴子仅仅打哈欠。

10.His yawns suggested that he would pke to go to bed .他打哈欠暗示着他想睡觉了。