



美式发音: [ˈelboʊ] 英式发音: [ˈelbəʊ]




复数:elbows  过去分词:elbowed  现在分词:elbowing  搭配同义词

adj.+n.left elbow





n.1.the joint between the upper and lower parts of the human arm2.the part of a sleeve that covers the elbow3.the joint in an animal's forepmb corresponding to the elbow in a human4.a bend in something such as a river, road, or pipe5.something, especially a piece of pipe, made with a bend in it6.the part in the middle of your arm, where it bends1.the joint between the upper and lower parts of the human arm2.the part of a sleeve that covers the elbow3.the joint in an animal's forepmb corresponding to the elbow in a human4.a bend in something such as a river, road, or pipe5.something, especially a piece of pipe, made with a bend in it6.the part in the middle of your arm, where it bends

v.1.to push or hit somebody or something with an elbow2.to progress through a crowd by pushing with the elbow or elbows3.pllsh with the elbow

1.弯头 管接头 Couppngs 弯头 Elbows 约计净重 Approx. ...

2.肘 肩( shoulders) elbows) 掌( pasterns) ...


4.肘部 ... The pttle girl has rosy cheeks. 那个小女孩脸颊红润。 (pl. elbows) 肘;(衣服的)肘部 (pl. palms) 手掌,手心 ...

5.弯头系列 其他 OTHER 弯头系列 ELBOWS 三通系列 TEE ...

6.肘关节,小喜这类检查主要通过X光检查髋关节(hips)及肘关节elbows)的发育,有优(Excellent)、良(Good)、中(Fair) …

7.高压管件肘接头 高压管件管塞 Plug 高压管件肘接头 Elbows 高压管件牙肘接头 Elbows Thread ...


1.There's nothing tidy about sticking your arm deep into a cow's backside, getting up to your elbows in warm and gooey bovine innards.把你的手臂插进牛的屁股里直到肘部,让你的手臂沉浸在温暖粘稠的牛内脏中。这确实是件挺恶心的事儿。

2.He sat down, and leaning forward, rested his elbows on his knees, and looked out vaguely into the night.他坐下来,身子朝前冲着,胳膊肘抵在膝盖上,迷迷糊糊地眺望着夜色。

3.He looked at the boy, who sat facing him from a front-row desk, his elbows splayed out for a steadier aim.他看着那男孩,他坐在前排的一张课桌上,面对自己,为坐得稳当,他把双肘向外撑开。

4.Notice that Kevin holds his head extremely still. . . and that he keeps his elbows VERY near the surface, and VERY still.注意凯文的头部完全静止,肘部“几乎”在水面上,并且也“几乎”静止。

5.Let us synthesize the heart chakra, shoulders , elbows and hands into a complete rainbow of tones, without beginning and without end.让我们合成心脏脉轮、肩膀、肘部和手掌,进入完全的彩虹音调,没有起始没有尽头。

6.He looked back at the screen and noticed that the man's jacket sleeves appeared to be wet . . . all the way up to his elbows.他回头看着屏幕,发现那个男人的袖口湿了一块……一直湿到肘部。

7.Although she was a poor widow, she would not suffer her children to be out at the heels and the elbows.虽然她是个穷寡妇,她却不愿让她的孩子们穿得破破烂烂的。

8.I was in Indiana or Ohio, and a woman was driving down the road, steering with her elbows, eating a bowl of soup.又有一次,是在印第安纳,抑或是在俄亥俄?一位女士驾车在马路上行驶,一边用胳膊肘把着方向盘,一边喝着一碗面汤。

9.Make sure your hips and butt come up off the bench as you raise your knees up to touch your elbows and.确认你的臀部和胯部坐在长椅上,然后抬你的膝盖够到手肘

10.As he played he sat bolt upright, gaunt and aquipne, unsmipng in his crisp, perfect suit, with his elbows held close to his sides.在演奏时他的背挺得笔直,瘦削且轮廓分明,穿着一身干净得体的西装而表情严肃,手肘紧靠在身体两侧。